CP interview: Took my autharization document?


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

I have a question .

I had a succesful CP interview at delhi and have also entrered back in US, with I-551 stamp on passport.

But during the CP interview. they took my autharization , which was given by INS for my case.

Is this a norm???

because in my H1B case I stll have my H1b authorization. But they took my green card autharization doc???

Please clarify.

No Title

If you are talking about the piece of paper on top of the sealed envelope, then it is normal for the Staff to keep it with them when u enter US. the stamp and the plastic is all you need. take it easy and congratulations.
I-140 autharization

Thanks Joef and Kaynag for the quick responses.

To be precise, the autharization I was refering to is "I-140 authorization/ Notice of action" .

Thanks again...Dil
Not a concern

You do not need the original I-140 approval notice, certainly not once you\'ve become a PR. Like putting cancelation stamps on prior non-immigrant visas that may be in your passport, this is one of the things that consulates are not consistent or thorough about -- some take it and some don\'t. I still have mine... now filed away as a souvenir.