CP interview on Sept 17, 2002: Mumbai


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Hi folks,

Thanks one and all. This forum has been an invaluable resource in my journey as a CPer.

Here is a somewhat detailed listing of my experience of my successful CP interview on Sept 17, 2002.

Interview appointment date/time: September 17, 2002 / 9:30am

8:30am :
Entered consulate.
The guard guided us to stand in a queue though we insisted we were IV interviewees.

9:00am :
Our turns came after roughly half-an-hour, and were informed that we were in the wrong line, and should have gone straight to counter 10 with our appointment letter. It was apparent that many other people were misdirected in this manner, and made to waste ½ an hour. So off we went to hand over the appointment letter at counter 10, we were asked to seat ourselves in the IV area (in front of counters 10, 11, 12) till our names were called.

10:30am :
After a long wait, our names were announced by the Indian lady at counter 11. She was very polite, professional and courteous. She first confirmed that I had pre-paid the 260$/appl fee to NVC. I was then asked for my papers in the following order: Passport, medical report, 3 photos, DS-230 part II, marriage cert + copy, birth cert + copy, PCC, employment letter. Then I was made to sign my name on the right side of one photo, and change the addr in item 13 of DS-230part-I to a local Indian address. I was also asked to sign an undertaking to the effect that I would continue with the same company on entering the US. I was asked if I had valid H visas, to which I answered ‘yes’. Then it was my wife’s turn to go through the same process, except that she was also asked for the affidavit of support. We were then directed to wait in front of counter 9 till our names were called for the formal interview.

12 Noon :
Precisely at noon, our names were called out by the Indian interpreter at counter 9. Our interviewer was a polite American lady who first greeted us with a smile. I was asked how long I had been working for this company (4yrs) and whether I had been with just one company all the time (yes ma’am). She asked me if I was a software engineer (no – I said I was a mechanical engineer). Then I was asked if I had a valid work visa (yes) – which surprisingly, was NOT cancelled. Then she looked at the marriage cert and asked us when we got married, how many people were at the wedding and asked to see pics. Then my wife was asked if she was working in the US currently and whether she had plans to work in the near future (no plans as of now). The interpreter seemed to know what this was about, and told the consular officer “this is an employment based GC petition, and you *have* to grant it” – it appeared she hadn’t heard of one before. Then she asked the interpreter “should they pay 65$x2” … to which he said ‘yes’.

12:04 pm:
With a big grin the lady announced “Congratulations your visas have been granted”. We were asked to pay the visa issue fee at counter 1. We handed over two drafts each in the amount of Rs.3185 to the cashier at counter 1, who gave us a receipt stub asked us to pick up our papers at 3pm.

Left for home, had lunch etc., then did some shopping at ‘Westside’ clothing store near Kemp’s Corner – they have great clothes at good deals.

3:00 pm:
We reached the consulate at 3pm and saw a long line already waiting. At about 3:15 this line was split up into two – one for NIV and the other for IV. The NIV folks were called in at 3:30pm and got their visas – all done in 5 min since there weren’t more than about 25-30 of them. IV folks were made to wait another hour.

4:45 pm:
It was almost after 2 hrs of standing on that hot and dusty pavement that I reached the collection window. I handed over the receipt (given by the cashier in the morning) and in return got two brown envelopes (with one corner cut off) along with our passports. The entry permit was stapled on the outside of each brown envelope – this was titled ‘Immigrant Visa Permit’ and had the signed photo stuck to it with an embossed consular seal. Our valid H1s/H4s had not been cancelled.

--**The End**--

I am not sure when my interview would be..... But...

Question for you.... Is it necessary that your H1 should be valid. In my case my H1 is valid till Dec 31 and we have applied for H1 extension. The the Visa stamping on the passport is valid till Sept 30.

I was not planning to take my wedding photo's with me since it is such a huge Album, but it seems I have to carry it now.

Hi Dinesh,

You shouldn't have any probs as long as you've applied for the H1 extension before your current visa expires. I've seen posted intvw experiences by folks who were in similar situations - i.e. their stamped H1-B's had expired. You'll probably even have your newly approved I-797 by your intvw time, and that should do.

I didn't carry my half-ton marriage album either ... just picked about a half-dozen pictures from it and included those in my top folder.

Good luck to you.

- Nilesh.
POE Question ???

I think your POE was Detroit. How was your experience there. When did you enter and did you get your plastic card yet ?

Nilujaya,congrats !!! Can U pls.clarify on the foll:

1. Did you appy for a sailing permit?Is it required or just a waste of time?
2.Which hospital did you have the medicals? Did you get the report same day?
3.My marriage certificate shows the date we got it registered and the actual marriage date is not mentioned in the certificate.Will this create any problem?
4.Did they ask for educational,experience certificates ,Tax transcripts?
5. Did you carry seperate I-134 for spouse & kid or just a single I-134?
Would appreciate your reply.
Relax / dineshgk

Yes, my POE was Detroit, Oct 1 '02. No probs there at all. We didn't fill out the I-94, and just handed over the brown sealed envelopes to the officer who then led us to the Secondary Inspection room. They just took our fingerprints and signatures on two sheets, then rubber-stamped the temp I-551 on our passports, which now contain the magic words "Employment Authorized". And we were home free.

Still waiting for the plastic card.

* I did not take the sailing permit. I don't believe it's required.

* Did medicals at Breach Candy just because it was close to where I live, and got the reports by 2:00pm the same afternoon.

* Same case for us re the marriage date: We had a court marriage 4 days before the actual ceremony, so we could get our certf. in time (we had taken pics at the marriage registrar's office). We just told the consular officer that we did a court wedding and had a reception at a later date (pics shown for that too). We just told them that we didnt have a religious ceremony to avoid any further questioning, and the case was closed.

* No docs other than medicals, marriage cert, birth cert, PCC and employment letter were asked for.

* I don't know if separate I-134s are reqd for all dependents.
Thanks Nilijaya......I would have only 2 days before the interview.

1. Where did you take the photographs from? I am planning to take it from My own studio.But do they issue it the same day?2.How many photographs do we need to take? Did you submit any photos at Detroit POE?
3. At the POE do we queue in a seperate line?
4. I have earlier submitted I-134 for my parents.Should I mention that fact in I-134 point # 9?
5 Is there a specific dress code for the interview?
Appreciate your reply.
Photos etc.

Hi Beat It,

I got my photos at My Own Studio which is on the same road few blocks south of the consulate. If you go early, he should be able to give you the photos the same evening after 6:00pm - but in any case, you have the last option of getting your pics inside the consulate (which costs twice as much). My Own Studio charged me 100Rs. for one set of 4 pics (u need to submit only 3 during the interview). You don't to keep any spare for the POE - the sealed brown envelope will have everything they need.

At the POE, an INS officer asked us to go through the visitors queue. It really doesnt matter which queue you pick, as they all lead you to the Secondary Inspection room anyways.

I-134: Check out this post by gkothari - he says you need to mention your parents' name in Q#9 :

Dress code: One guy was in a big blue suit sweating in the sweltering Mumbai heat. You might be blessed with pleasanter temps later in the year, in which case dressing up wouldn't be that bad. I wore a formal business shirt and a good pair of trousers with black leather shoes. Nobody cares though.
Thanks Nilujaya... How many copies of each document has

to be submitted besides the original?
Are you referring to the My own studio in August Kranti or the one on Bhulabhai Desai Rd?
I have got the I-134 notarized.Do we have to get the I-134 signed by the attorney at the bottom?
Appreciate your Reply.
Re: Thanks Nilujaya... How many copies of each document has

Originally posted by Beat It
to be submitted besides the original?
Are you referring to the My own studio in August Kranti or the one on Bhulabhai Desai Rd?
I have got the I-134 notarized.Do we have to get the I-134 signed by the attorney at the bottom?
Appreciate your Reply.

No need to get your lawyer's signature on the I-134. I did all the CP paperwork myself after I-140 approval, and the lawyer was not involved at all. This forum is a lifesaver - this is where I got all my doubts answered. A Notary's seal is all that I had on the I-134. Make sure you get your employer's letter notarized too. Our office secretary is a notary herself, so I had no probs.

I was referring to My Own Studio on Bhulabhai Desai Rd. We had gone to get our pics around 2:00pm, and he said they'd be ready the next day. The guy said that if we had come earlier in the day, he could have them ready the same evening.

One copy of each document should be enough.