CP for a prospective employer - please respond


New Member
This is a CP question where the sponsoring employer is also an ex-employer.

I am currently employed by Company B. I used to be employed by company A.

My ex-employer, company A has processed Labor plus I-140 for me.

Here are my questions:

My ex-employer wants me to re-join. If my ex-employer gives me an employment letter that says that I will join them after I get my GC. Can I go for CP with my ex-employer\'s I-140 ?

Assuming my CP is successful, how much time do I have before I re-join my ex-employer? I do intend to, but need to know if there are any time constraints involved (like do I need to join the day I return, or within six months or... ?).

My ex-employer is a smaller company. Are there any pros and cons to going for CP when the sponsoring employer is a small company?

If my CP for my ex-employer gets turned down, can I return with the H-1 for my current employer?

Please respond. Many thanks in advance!

I Have the same Situation

Hey Vivek I am in the same situation. Did anything workout for u. pl let me know if u have answers for u\'r questions