CP Date for 1st week of January


My interview is on Jan 15. I am planning to have medicals done at Hinduja on Jan 12 (10/11 are Sat/Sun). Is more time needed between the two? I am planning on flying to Mumbai on 8th or 9th. This way I can have more time after the interview (as a buffer) if need arises. Other option is to keep medicals on the 9th (Fri).

Your thoughts please.
Assuming you and your dependents (if any) are healthy and are free from complex medical conditions you should be fine with medicals on 1/12!

Normally all 3 bbay hospitals i.e hinduja, breach candy and lilavati giev medicals reports the same day around 4pm.
Jan 28th interview

Hello all,

Finally the list is out ....

Guys; if anyone else has the interview on the same day.. .email me. We can probably talk before we actually meet at the consulate.

You can find my email address on www.cptracker.com under astra.

Good Luck to all CPers