CP-based GC for parents - Help!


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My parents have been here in the US on visitor visas since May 6th, 2008 and I became a US citizen on May 21st, 2008. I just sent their I-130 applications on August 19th, 2008 (90+ days after they entered the country to avoid any red flags).

Although I could've opted for AOS, I didn't cos' of financial reasons, cos' they may wanna go back for a while soon, and as I think we need to get some documents ready which is only possible back in New Delhi/ India; hence, I went for the CP option in New Delhi, India

Here are my issues and concerns and any form of guidance will be appreciated cos' I know we'll be getting RFEs:

1. My dad: He was born in Agra in 1945 before India's independence and before the birth registration laws came into effect in 1969. All that he has is a college/ school certificate that states his date of birth on really old paper. His parents are deceased and we have no family whatsoever in Agra anymore; he lives in New Delhi. I know we may get RFEs for his birth certificate so I don't know what to do now. He's not in the best of health to go to Agra by himself. We have family and friends who can write affidavits for his date of birth but I don't think I can have him go to Agra to fight for a non-availability certificate. Is there anything that he can do in New Delhi? He has a PAN card, delhi drivers's licence, and a ration card.

2. My mom: She was born in Jhansi in 1947 before India's independence and before the birth registration laws came into effect in 1969. Her parents are still alive but we have no family whatsoever in Jhansi anymore; she lives in New Delhi. I know we may get RFEs for her birth certificate so I don't know what to do now. She's not in the best of health to go to Jhansi by herself. We have family and friends who can write affidavits for her date of birth but I don't think I can have her go to Jhansi to fight for a non-availability certificate. Is there anything that she can do in New Delhi? The other twist is that she does have a school certificate with her date of birth but her last name is different so is there something that needs to be done on this front? She has a PAN card, and a ration card name inclusion. 2 of her brothers are gazetted officers.

3. Their marriage: They got married in 1973 after the Hindu Marriage Act law came into effect in 1954 but they didn't get their marriage registered. I believe they will need this and since they got married in New Delhi; it could work but does anyone know of the steps to follow to obtain such a certificate? My father and mother both have friends and relatives who could write out affidavits; in fact one of them is in the US and is a US citizen.

4. Has anyone gone through the CP route before and, if so, can you tell me the start-to-end time it took?

I know most of you may be thinking why I sent the I-130s without the above? Well, for one, the I-130s didn't ask for the above and only asked for my information and proof of relationship with them so in theory the application packets at the time were complete but depending on the person looking at the files, I guess anything is possible which I don't beleive would be fair cos' the I-130 application instructions did not ask for their individual birth certificates, they only asked for mine which I did send!


Pearl Jam
Birth certificate: 2 affidavite would be fine, if he has any relatives who is older than him and submit "non availability certificate"
Dude, thats what I mentioned in my initial post that this "non-availability" certificate will be an issue for my parents cos we have no families in those cities (Agra, Jhansi) anymore and they don't live there...plus they are not good health-wise to go to these cities from Delhi to get these certificates.

There has to be another legal way out of this. Ideas?