Couples filing together N-400


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If you file together with your spouse for Citizenship, would you get interviews on the same day?
If not can the spouse attend the interview?
If you file together with your spouse for Citizenship, would you get interviews on the same day?
If not can the spouse attend the interview?

Even if you are scheduled on the same day, you are interviewed separately. Your spouse is not coming with you to the interview room.

In my case, my wife and I sent in our applications in two separate packages. USCIS moved our application in parallel; i.e., our fingerprinting, interview, and oath date were all on the same dates, but there is no 100% guarantee on that.

At the interview, my wife and I were interviewed separately by different officers.
If you file together with your spouse for Citizenship, would you get interviews on the same day?

Filing together increases the chances of being interviewed on the same day, but the cases are processed separately and it's still a matter of luck for you to get the interview on the same day. And even if the interview is on the same day, the interviews will be separate.
If you and your spouse get different fingerprint dates, then go together on the same day. Most likely you both will be printed same day.
If you and your spouse get different interview dates, then if the dates are a few days apart (<5), go together and ask if you both can be interviewed same day. Most likely it can be accommodated. The only factors mitigating this are if the Service Center is too busy or if one of your case files has not yet arrived at the Service Center. The Service Centers generally have all the case files for all applicants in a given week. So if there is a two week difference in time between your spouse and you for interview date, the Service Center most likely will be unable to accommodate.
If you and your spouse get interviewed on the same day, then there is an extremely high probability that you will have both your oaths on the same day.

You and your spouse cannot attend the actual interview session with the officer together. The officer will interview you both separately.
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If you and your spouse get interviewed on the same day, then there is an extremely high probability that you will have both your oaths on the same day.

If one of you has requested a name change, then the oath could be delayed. This is what happened to my wife. We sent in the N-400 in the same packet, and got fingerprints and interviews on the same day. But my wife's oath was scheduled almost 1 month after mine was done. We think this is due to the name change (although, no way to know for sure).

If you have kids, it may actually be better to have interviews on different days, so you don't have to tag them along or find sitters.