counting number of citations


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I have a question while counting citation numbers.

I have two papers with related topics. If one paper from another lab cited both of my two papers, should I count this as two citations or just one citation?

Thank you for your feedback,
Absolutely!!! No doubt about it.

You might want to do this:

Papers which cite my paper 1:
Papers which cite my paper 2

snlrp said:
two citations.
Website citations

I have been involved in designing a proteme database. Which has been published and cited in 6 papers. This website has been refered in more than 1000 Bioinformatics related websites.
Can i count the hits as citations ?
Will it be of any help to my application (NIW) if i mention about the "hits".
I understand the temptation, but the number of citations is definitely different from the number of hits. In general, the number of citations you mention should be backed up by some legitimate database (e.g. science citation index).
I think this is really important. Keep in mind people care number of citations because it indicates how much impact your work has. The fact that your website has been referred by >1000 website also indicates the large impact your work has, even though we cannot call it citation.


sulip said:
I have been involved in designing a proteme database. Which has been published and cited in 6 papers. This website has been refered in more than 1000 Bioinformatics related websites.
Can i count the hits as citations ?
Will it be of any help to my application (NIW) if i mention about the "hits".