could someone provide insights on the new july VB


Registered Users (C)
How does it affect those that have earlier PD and whose 485 were already filed?
many thanks
Delay delay and delay...
Becaz of the bad management at DOS/USCIS, they are forced to open up the flood gate for everyone. (I didn't enjoy such advantage when my LC is cleared 2 months after where retro hits back in 2005 and I am not avaiable to file until 2 months ago).

Well, it is not a bad thing after all (for most of the fellow immigrants) but it will defintely delay the approval process.
not fair to some

so what about those who filed early in the year, say march, april, or may of 2007, will their cases be affected?
I heard lots of saying about with huge number of cases flooding in, uscis could not maintain the FIFO order, is it going to be a random case, or the majority of earlier PDs will suffer from it?

Lawyers won in that they can collect money now.
Applicants lost in that they paid money now and still have to face a long journey because CIS is now creating other excuses to delay delay delay.

The only gain I see for applicants is that they get a PD in July. However, when DOS makes that date current is another story. Now, DOS and CIS have more time to play with it.