could anybody please answer?


Registered Users (C)
hi All;
I submitted my I-485 on august 2000 and today I got letter for "Request For Initial Evidence". They asked me to submit (I-693/medical examination form, Supplemental form I-693, and G-325A/biographic information). I have couple questions:

1. I submitted medical examination along with my I-485. I assume INS asked again because it's invalid ?
2. How long usually it takes from the time I submit the response back to INS until I got my case approved?
3, What is the different from "Request For Initial Evidence" And "Request For Evidence" ?? and how long it takes from Request For Initial Evidence until I got my case approved??
4. Can anyone give me tips or tricks in submitting document for "Request For Initial Evidence"?
5. What kind of medical examination usually they do ? blood test? TB test?AIDS?
6. If I remember I think got tested for TB before and the result is positive, is it going to be any problem in approving my case? What kind of disease that can prevent me from getting my green card?

Please reply to all of my questions especially to people who already gone through this process. I really really appreciate it if you do thank's.
Kenryu, in my case, I was asked to submit Supplemental form I-693, and G-325A/biographic information. all I did was, go to my docotor (luckily i was able to locate him after 4 years), he signed the I-693, I filed out the Biography form and sent them right the way. I remember I got them on friday, and I had them out by wednesday. 2 weeks after that status showed RFE received, another 2 weeks, I was approved. As for a positif TB test, I beleive there should be a way out. please click on the link below
how about.....

Thank's for your reply. I have couple questions in filling the biography (G-325A)
1. in the section "APPLICANT'S RESIDENCE LAST FIVE YEARS. LIST PRESENT ADDRESS FIRST", Do I need to add ALL my residence since I came here even though it's more than five years?
2. in the section "APPLICANT'S EMPLOYMENT LAST FIVE YEARS. (IF NONE, SO STATE) LIST PRESENT EMPLOYMENT FIRST", I was hired by company A (I think job agency, not sure) but I work for their client (let's say company B). company B have a right to make me permanent and they did make me permanent and become company B's permanent and full time employee. The question is should I Put information about company A at all even though physically I work in company B all along ? I never work in company A office at all.
3. company B is part of big company (let's called company C). Company B used to be separate company and then get bought before I joined the company and become part or "child"company of company B. My question is , what should I put in the G-325 form? company B or company C? I received my pay check from company B name. so which name should I put? should I put both name? for example like company B/company C???

Please reply thank's.
Whoever YOU GET YOUR Paychecks from...It doesn't say COmpany A/B/C right?? it just says one company name..right?? put that one..
how about...

how about if the company now move to new address? should I put the address where I used to work or current address of the company right now?
since you wre a contractor for Company B. Put this...Put however time you worked for the agency as their employee and the rest where you are permanent now. ..Current address of the company.
Go Figure!

So these clowns not only make you wait, but they also make you pay more and more money for their inefficiency! :mad:
which address?

If the company that i used to work for has a headquater in different address than the address that I used to work then which address should I put? or in other words , I work for their branch address in different state than their headquater. This is probably unrelated question but I'm curious . Has anybody ever had to do vaccination again (rubella, etc) for immigration because they lost or can't find their vaccination proof? I wonder if there is any side effect if you take the same vaccination more than one time.
I have related question on the biography form.
I don't understand one thing here,is that mean before you come to the U.S??
or is that mean you traveled and stayed out side the U.S for one year.
Please explain any body??

The address you lived at one year prior to coming to USA. They can be doing this for verification purposes.
is it allright ?

hi All;

I have a question regarding the biography form. If I don't remember the address of my previous employer, can I just put the name of the employer and not the address? how about if the employer moved to new address ?
Dude you are making this too hard for yourself.Just find the address you worked at..Not the updated address..and the name of the company. I am sure you can find the company's old address on the internet or even your tax forms...Give them correct information
wantmygcnow said:
Dude you are making this too hard for yourself.Just find the address you worked at..Not the updated address..and the name of the company. I am sure you can find the company's old address on the internet or even your tax forms...Give them correct information

Exactly. It shouldn't matter to you if the company has changed locations or if it no longer exists. You just need to fill out he information as it pertains to you AT the time of your employment there.

Just list all of your addresses and work history for the amount of years they have asked. So if its 5 years - put up to 5 years worth of information.

I know this is tough and you are very excited about getting your case approved. But I guarantee you that if you follow all of their directions, you will not go wrong.

Good Luck!
not fit?

Thank's for your reply. How about if I need more space to fill in all the information in the form? For example:
How about if I change the job so many that the "APPLICANT'S EMPLOYMENT LAST FIVE YEARS. (IF NONE, SO STATE) LIST PRESENT EMPLOYMENT FIRST" section is not enough? could I put the the address in the separate paper? if yes, then what is the format of the paper?