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Coping methods for the 22,000


Registered Users (C)
One way to cope with your perceived loss of opportunity is to find reasons why you shouldn't even move to the United States in the first place.

There's rampant unemployment in the U.S. right now, what makes you think you can actually survive here? Expensive healthcare, terrible education system, bland food, 14 trillions of debt waiting to be paid by potentially you, the taxpayer, impending burst of the $1trillion student loan bubble meaning that it'd be harder to secure college loans in the future even if you have a co-signer, high crime rate, racism, and it goes on and on....

I'm an international student in the U.S. and once I graduate, work my OPT for experience, I'll go back home. Sure, the money conversion ratio of U.S. dollars might mean better earnings, but I'd prefer long term happiness of a familiar lifestyle with my family and friends.

If anyone else can suggest better coping methods, please do share. This is better than making fun of them or coming up with crazy petition ideas that obviously won't work. I cannot even fathom the mass disappointment :( over this DV2012 selection error, to have all your hopes and dreams shattered when it was at its peak. But don't you see? The American Dream is already dead. You have lost nothing at all. :D
I believe the DV lottery is great for people with strong nerves and for sure not for whinning people and people who want a handout.

If you can't handle negative things happening to you and getting up and trying again than the US is not for you. Nobody cares about your issues but on the other hand if something very happens people are there to help....that is also the USA.

I always wonder how many DV winners are still in the US after 10 years...I have heard of many who never wanted to become a Citizen and some who went back due to the less chances of retirement plans for people who came here in their mid fourties and didn't have enough years of work to be able to get a good retirement.

Many take it lightly to move to an unknown Country although they have in their mind and from movies what the US is about...but that is dreaming.
Don't get me wrong...I'm here over a decade and love to live here, but it is different than I thought it was and the first year I was more or less seeing everything through the eyes of a person living in a dream...After 9/11 people came closer and that stayed for a while. The last 3 years things have been different and specially lately...more people around us have lost homes, jobs and although we see new people moving in the attitude has changed a lot...it isn't what the US was and people clearly don't like to see a foreigner taking their jobs.

Overall people are very friendly towards us, specially since we provide jobs and they find foreigners interesting...that sounds strange to say this almost in the same sentence...but how would you feel if you don't have a job and a foreigner gets the job..
Btw I disagree with your statement that the American is dead....it is very much alive and in every economy there are people "making" it big, and that is something that is possible over here...not so in most parts of the world...but that is only for people who have a positive attitude and who are not letting anything or any one taking them down!
I am also a foreign student in Texas at the end of my senior year at the university, hopefully starting the master's program in the Fall 2011. My major is accounting. I know that I may not find a job after my Optional Practical Training (OPT), but with the education I have I will be able to come back to Europe and be well-seen by prospective employers because of my foreign education. In fact, if I will be forced to leave Texas, I think me and my same-sex American partner will probably move to London, where I will be able to sponsor him to become an European citizen and avoid all the troubles related with any visas. In addition, my partner will be able to receive good health care for a very reasonable price in Europe. On the other hand, if I find a job in Texas, it would be easier because I already know the system over here and I will not have to study any further.

Still, if I win the DV Lottery, it will definitely be much easier because I will finally settle down and stop traveling back and forth so much!

I don't even think about retiring in my life. I think that retirement was a privilege available last century, but not in this century. I however plan on investing money on long-term assets with the hope they would give me a secure income when I will be unable to work in the future. Or I can fulfill my dream of owning a bed and breakfast in the countryside in Italy, and have a great rest of my life entertaining tourists and enjoying the green hills scenery!