Conversion from BEC to PERM

I filed my case in the end of June and an Audit was recieved by my employer end of July. It asked us to provide the case details that was filed in RIR. We replied and it moved from Audit to Final to In Process late August it has been there since. If that helps anyone.

sourcefactor said:
I filed my case in the end of June and an Audit was recieved by my employer end of July. It asked us to provide the case details that was filed in RIR. We replied and it moved from Audit to Final to In Process late August it has been there since. If that helps anyone.


Thanks for the update.. My LC is pending in PBEC and I am reading up on whether to do PERM to speed things up... Also, I see that conversions are not that fast as fresh perms.. The delay in your case.. could it possible be because of center.. Chicago va Atlanta??

Anyone with insight please share your views..

Hi sourcefactor,
which center did you file your case? Thanks LHM818

sourcefactor said:
I filed my case in the end of June and an Audit was recieved by my employer end of July. It asked us to provide the case details that was filed in RIR. We replied and it moved from Audit to Final to In Process late August it has been there since. If that helps anyone.

Did you got it approved finally?

Dear drirshad,

Read that your refile case status under PERM had moved to audit to final review to in process in Sep 05. Is it apporved finally? Mine also is a re-file case. Old Case was filed in Dec 2004 and I have the case number which we had mentioned in PERM application form also and mentioned that it was a refile case under EB2. Perm Filed on 9/19/05. From the day it was filed, it was under in-process. First day itself, employer got an email and he answered all the first 4 questions ( whether you are ready to file for GC for this employee...etc etc) and from there till now the status is still under In process. And I do not know whether any thing is going on or not.

It will be nice to know whether you refile case had gone through or not. Or any body's case had goe through the refile. Also I am in a double minded after waiting for 1 more months, do I need to withdraw the case and uncheck the "refile" option and file again?

Can you also tell when your PERM was files, when moved from each state to other and current state.

drirshad said:
My case moved from Audit Review to Final Review to In-Process ......

Drirshad, Was it finally approved...?

Dear drirshad,

Read that your refile case status under PERM had moved to audit to final review to in process in Sep 05. Is it apporved finally? Mine also is a re-file case. Old Case was filed in Dec 2004 and I have the case number which we had mentioned in PERM application form also and mentioned that it was a refile case under EB2. Perm Filed on 9/19/05. From the day it was filed, it was under in-process. First day itself, employer got an email and he answered all the first 4 questions ( whether you are ready to file for GC for this employee...etc etc) and from there till now the status is still under In process. And I do not know whether any thing is going on or not.

It will be nice to know whether you refile case had gone through or not. Or any body's case had goe through the refile. Also I am in a double minded after waiting for 1 more months, do I need to withdraw the case and uncheck the "refile" option and file again?

Can you also tell when your PERM was files, when moved from each state to other and current state.

I am being contacted by my lawyer to file a PERM case. The details of my existing case with BRC are:
PD - 01/28/2002
RIR Response confirmation filed with Dallas BRC on 02/10/2005
Preference Status is EB3(2) RIR

I also understand that recruitment has still not happened on my case as it was never moved to Regional.

Does it make sense to file a conversion to PERM? Would I be able to retain my PD? Would this be contrued as a new case since Recruitment has still not taken place? Would there be an audit? Is there any value at all in filing the PERM case as 485 is not going to move anyways for quite some time now? Or is that if labor can be cleared soon and 140 filed, that would get me the EAD even while I wait for 485?
Thanks in advance for your insights!
New LC vs Old GC filing

Hello Everyone,

I've read few of the threads here and have a question/concerns which I thought might be answered here...

I'd filed my GC with my ex-employer who for some reasons cancelled my I-140 application when it was about to be processed.

Now, I'm filing my GC under PERM rule all over again. My questions are --

1) Does the new LC (job profile) has to be the same as the old one i.e. in terms of job profile

2) When I'd filed my old GC, I was working as a Programmer Analyst and now I'm working as a Systems/Business Analyst. So will it be OK, if I file the new LC with the job profile of Sr. Business Analyst?

3) What if my ex-employer doesn't give me recommendation/experience letter? Can I take it from my client?

I appreciate all your help and advise.

thank you!

retaining PD

I applied in RIR in dec 2004 and i am planning to convert to PERM. I want to retain the priority date but let say if there is some fat finger and my perm application is different from my RIR what will happen. will the new application in PERM gets rejected ? or The new PERM application gets approved but will it not get the RIR PD.
Thanks for your help.
business incentive

Hello friends,

Can some one help me?

I am thinking about conversion from BEC to PERM. My boss wants me to give her a convincing excuse for business benifit (not personal benefit) to do so. so that she can say to her boss and HR...

What can I say?

Thanks a lot!
Conversion of BEC case to PERM

Has anyone successfuly converted an RIR EB3 (in backlog) to Perm EB2 case.

The intention is retaining the PD while working(reaplying thru PERM) for same employer.

redwine said:
Hello friends,

Can some one help me?

I am thinking about conversion from BEC to PERM. My boss wants me to give her a convincing excuse for business benifit (not personal benefit) to do so. so that she can say to her boss and HR...

What can I say?

Thanks a lot!

The best business case you can make is by telling her that every time they have to do an H1 extension for you it will cost them money and they have to do it every year after your 6 years. It will cost them the fee of one H1 to convert yours in PERM and get you to move forward and if nothing else they can file I-140 and get 3 years extension once less money and also that it can give you peace of mind to focus on your job. Don't know about you but it worked for our company. Our lawyers has made this argument on our behalf rather than us.

I can understand your position....But still I'm trying to find few more information from you..let me know if you don't mind.

My old case was filed on Feb2005. I'm planning to do a PERM like what you hav done? What is the status of your new PERM process?? Any updates? Is there any place to check the status of PERM processing?

If I apprach my company to do my PERM how long will it take the application to be submitted?? Do they need to do some thing special to make it file under PERM?? what will be the max time period?

When filing the PERM can we keep the old priority date?
Do we have to cancel the old filing status??

Is there anyone with same case having recent updats??


gcmiracle said:
Dear drirshad,

Read that your refile case status under PERM had moved to audit to final review to in process in Sep 05. Is it apporved finally? Mine also is a re-file case. Old Case was filed in Dec 2004 and I have the case number which we had mentioned in PERM application form also and mentioned that it was a refile case under EB2. Perm Filed on 9/19/05. From the day it was filed, it was under in-process. First day itself, employer got an email and he answered all the first 4 questions ( whether you are ready to file for GC for this employee...etc etc) and from there till now the status is still under In process. And I do not know whether any thing is going on or not.

It will be nice to know whether you refile case had gone through or not. Or any body's case had goe through the refile. Also I am in a double minded after waiting for 1 more months, do I need to withdraw the case and uncheck the "refile" option and file again?

Can you also tell when your PERM was files, when moved from each state to other and current state.

Ready to Refile Jan 2002 LC in PERM

PD: Jan 2002 (EB2 -RIR)
Regional Chicago RD: Dec 2002
No 45 Day letter

My case is Pending in DBEC. No 45 Day letter yet, No hope of getting one in near future as well.

For a case of so old PD not getting 45 Day letter until now worries me So I Decided to Refile under perm, Mine is a big company So attorney suggesting that they don't advise to refile cases which made to regional. But this delay in getting no news of 45 day letter. Can't wait any more so decided to Refile, I am scared of DOL system, don't know if they will smoothly retain my old Priority date, generally they made mistakes and then u have to request yr attorney to contact them to correct. I don't know if I am taking right decision or not. But most people from my company who filled around or after me already got 45 DL in April - May 05, some got approval. I am nowhere. Being in a big company, at this time I convienced my BOSSes to refile so my Attorney is going to discuss this with me this week, whatever I decided (refile or not) will be final Can't go back and ask my company again. If I say no to refile now then I have to stick with that decision forever.

Hello Plakeezu,

I was not sure you were askin me. Any way here is what I know.

My PERM was filed in 9/19/5 and the status is not moved a bit. Still under process.
You can check the status of the PERM in the
by either login using employers id or attorney's id or if employer created an id for you, you can use that also. Normally before filing PERM they have to create a account in this site.

If you approach a company, normally for advertisemnet, getting response and conducting intervies etc it will take 3-4 months. In between attoney has to apply for your Prevailing wage Determination (PWD). ATtoney will be knowing how to do this.

The company does not have to do any special handling to get it under PERM. They can only do PERM since the older methods cannot be used now for filing labor. There us no max time period. Once the recruitment method starts, you need to file the PERM application before completion of 180 days.

WHile filing PERM you can try to keep the old priority date by check marking the neccessary box in the application. But normally re-filed cases are slow since some has to find the old case and try to match to see if the cases are identical. Mine is a re-file case and I guess due to the same reason, nothing happened so far. You do not have to cancel the old filing. When you mention that you want to keep the old priority date, the old application is considered cancelled or in other way, they know that you wanted this application to be the primary and cancel the previous one, but would like to keep the priority date.
plakeezhu said:

I can understand your position....But still I'm trying to find few more information from you..let me know if you don't mind.

My old case was filed on Feb2005. I'm planning to do a PERM like what you hav done? What is the status of your new PERM process?? Any updates? Is there any place to check the status of PERM processing?

If I apprach my company to do my PERM how long will it take the application to be submitted?? Do they need to do some thing special to make it file under PERM?? what will be the max time period?

When filing the PERM can we keep the old priority date?
Do we have to cancel the old filing status??

Is there anyone with same case having recent updats??

Hello Plakeezu,

I was not sure you were askin me. Any way here is what I know.

My PERM was filed in 9/19/5 and the status is not moved a bit. Still under process.
You can check the status of the PERM in the
by either login using employers id or attorney's id or if employer created an id for you, you can use that also. Normally before filing PERM they have to create a account in this site.

If you approach a company, normally for advertisemnet, getting response and conducting intervies etc it will take 3-4 months. In between attoney has to apply for your Prevailing wage Determination (PWD). ATtoney will be knowing how to do this.

The company does not have to do any special handling to get it under PERM. They can only do PERM since the older methods cannot be used now for filing labor. There us no max time period. Once the recruitment method starts, you need to file the PERM application before completion of 180 days.

WHile filing PERM you can try to keep the old priority date by check marking the neccessary box in the application. But normally re-filed cases are slow since some has to find the old case and try to match to see if the cases are identical. Mine is a re-file case and I guess due to the same reason, nothing happened so far. You do not have to cancel the old filing. When you mention that you want to keep the old priority date, the old application is considered cancelled or in other way, they know that you wanted this application to be the primary and cancel the previous one, but would like to keep the priority date.
conversion case

Hello Everyone,
Anyone got approved foir the conversion PERM case?

Best Regards,

Forget PERM through Conversions


I am afraid I have some bad news. I filed the conversions case on 6/27 and got the audit responded to the audit but it is still "IN Process" I called up congressman's office and they did a follow up on my case. Here is what they are telling me:

BEC Philly is working on cases from April 2001 and no chance of moving forward and retaining the priority date until that processing is done. The cases are not even entered in the system and the PERM center has to wait until the case entry is completed. So basically telling all of us that we are screwed for a long long time. This could be just my perception but don't know how else to interpret this....


What does your audit letter say? What information they were asking for. When you get the audit letter, did your status also changed to audit?

I had asked my lawyer to write an email to DOL and they responded saying that refile is taking little more time since it has to go through the additional step of requesting the old case to be sent to them for validating the information inorder to keep the old priority date. Currenty even if the Backlog centre enters all the information, there is no way to cross check the information through the software. SOme one has to sit and do the manual comparison. If the refiled cases are very less in number why can't they pull the old case and cross check and approve. If the info that got is true, then we all are in a bad shape...
