Conversation with DOS Visa 'specialist'


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So I called DOS and told them about how NSC is saying that they have yet to receive the visas from DOS. The lady told me that visa numbers are released in batches AND based on what I told her it seems like NSC might have used visa numbers in their previous batch. As far as when the new batch would be released she said my guess is as good as her guess i.e. it is up to DOS when they think they should release the visa numbers batch to the service center. According to this visa 'specialist' the new bulletin might trigger that release but she said she is not at the hierarchy level where she might have that kind of information.

Well I guess it is one perpetual screw up from top to bottom!
i agree it seems like a screwed up process, i mean something does not make sense here - if the visa specialist were to say that TSC used up their initial batch of visa #s it would make more sense, considering the number of approvals since June 1st, with NSC, they appear to have approved so very few cases compared to TSC so the logic makes no sense. I know not everyone comes on to this forum, but still

EB3PD June 2002

That's strange, when I called 2 weeks ago, NSC officer(not CSR) told me that we are waiting for visa numbers from state dept. I think we should wait until July VB.

So I called DOS and told them about how NSC is saying that they have yet to receive the visas from DOS. The lady told me that visa numbers are released in batches AND based on what I told her it seems like NSC might have used visa numbers in their previous batch. As far as when the new batch would be released she said my guess is as good as her guess i.e. it is up to DOS when they think they should release the visa numbers batch to the service center. According to this visa 'specialist' the new bulletin might trigger that release but she said she is not at the hierarchy level where she might have that kind of information.

Well I guess it is one perpetual screw up from top to bottom!
Well the only way this makes sense, is that the visa numbers have already been allocated to cases which have not yet been approved by the officer i.e. a shortage of staff is causing them to take so long to give approval but they have already allocated available visa numbers to a batch of cases i.e. they count that they have 10k cases and mentally allocate 10k visas - they do not allocate visa to the individual case untill officer approves it. So I think what we are getting to is that the lack of enough resources to process the cases is causing the bottleneck. On top of that if you add the problem of approving cases in random order not FIFO, you have the complete picture.
But I dont understand one thing that from June 1st it got current. so the cases got current from June 1st they should eligible for processing why to wait from visa dept to allocate it. it got current it should start processing those applications falls under current. me if I am missing anything here.

but processing sucks and Nebraska is a worst center I have heard from lot and still not improved. mine was in california and it moved to Nebraska and looks like will stuck for a long time after date became current.

EB3 PD July 2001
My 2 cents ...

My belief is that ....USCIS pushed the dates to make some adjustments to their
budget planning but not to give GC to every body who is current...
They might be giving GC to handful of cases but not to all ...

By making dates current till 2003 June, now lot of people are eligible for 485 they can get more money from these guys as they want more money from immigration system. Even attorneys did not had enough cases, so they did pushed for this ...Soon these dates might go back as soon as they think they got enough funds:)

-Ravi Surya.
My 2 cents ...

My belief is that ....USCIS pushed the dates to make some adjustments to their
budget planning but not to give GC to every body who is current...
They might be giving GC to handful of cases but not to all ...

By making dates current till 2003 June, now lot of people are eligible for 485 they can get more money from these guys as they want more money from immigration system. Even attorneys did not had enough cases, so they did pushed for this ...Soon these dates might go back as soon as they think they got enough funds:)

-Ravi Surya.

I agree with Ravi. It's just a money making process. :(
spoke to NSC customer service

Hi All,

Today I went with Info pass in Atlanta. Not much help. Came back home and called 1800 NSC Number and spoke to Nice Lady customer rep and she told me that my case in shelf and will be assigned to an officer when visas are available. But asked me to call back in 90 days(which is a standard answer).

My colleagues(TSC) four of them got approved and many known of friends from TSC are not approved. I am just thinking and verified my analysis. All of them who are not approved are substituion labours and four of my colleagues who are approved(Jan,feb 2003 PD) with their own labours. Is this a policy which Service Centres are following ? Can all of you guys confirm whether you are Sub/orig labours ? We may get some Trend......

What guys think ? Can you please share your views ?
