Contacting your congress-person


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We finally contacted our local congressman today to have him intervene on our behalf in the N400 process (seems we are stuck in limbo somewhere)

For those of you who have written to your representative, what did it actually achieve?


They made a phone call for us to find out where we were in the process, which is supervisor needs to sign off. Weve checked in a couple of times with them since then, but it seems we're back to just waiting around. They put in a line of inquiry and I guess immigration has 30 to 40 days to respond. But ours could be 120 days for them to respond.
Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't change anything. Have you written to you anyone else? Start doing that too. Take action. Sometimes you have to really push or your case gets stuck. Mine took 2 and a half years. I wrote everyone i could think of.

Good Luck to you.
Not stuck

Your application is 5 months in the waiting, there is no particular need to worry right now.

But to answer your question, the response ranges from persons who will stay on the case, to persons who will go online and print out the FBIs testimony to congress that is 4 years old (this is from persobnal experience).

I think the best thing that happens is that if someone left your case on a desk to gather dust, a request from a member of congress will force the file to be picked up and hopefully placed in queue to be acted upon. I was waiting for my name check to be done for 18 months, it was only when I contacted my congressman that I recieved a letter saying I need to go for another FP. It is obvious that the congress man did not force them to complete the name check, which leaves only one scenerio. This is that the name check came back but no one acted on it.
One other thing (from someone experience). An applicant had changed his address and recieved confirmation at the new address. However, USCIS still sent a request for evidence and subsequently notice of cancellation to the old address. it was only after contacting the congress person did the applicant discover what was going on.
Your application is 5 months in the waiting, there is no particular need to worry right now.

But to answer your question, the response ranges from persons who will stay on the case, to persons who will go online and print out the FBIs testimony to congress that is 4 years old (this is from persobnal experience).

I think the best thing that happens is that if someone left your case on a desk to gather dust, a request from a member of congress will force the file to be picked up and hopefully placed in queue to be acted upon. I was waiting for my name check to be done for 18 months, it was only when I contacted my congressman that I recieved a letter saying I need to go for another FP. It is obvious that the congress man did not force them to complete the name check, which leaves only one scenerio. This is that the name check came back but no one acted on it.
One other thing (from someone experience). An applicant had changed his address and recieved confirmation at the new address. However, USCIS still sent a request for evidence and subsequently notice of cancellation to the old address. it was only after contacting the congress person did the applicant discover what was going on.

Oh, i didnt' look at their timeline to see that its' only been five :confused: months.:confused:

Five months is no time at all. You are worrying too quickly.
I have been waiting for almost 15 months. I tried calling and InfoPass, even my attorney tried. We are getting the same answer, it's out of the queue in a no processing pile. An IO said my clearance was done quickly over a year ago and see no reason as why mine is on the no process pile.
I called again today to see if they were moving on my file. And the representative was a jerk. She told me that I'm not even in my District that my file is in some other district and the IO at InfoPass could not give me correct information as it was not my district.
They jsut don't want me to have my application accepted.
I'm writing to our Senator thsi week
Oh, i didnt' look at their timeline to see that its' only been five :confused: months.:confused:

Five months is no time at all. You are worrying too quickly.

I'm sure you're right, it's just that recently things have been speeding along. On another website I've been tracking everyone who applied in April and May of 08 and they have all received interview letters (except one other person at the CSC). Even people applying in June and July have been receiving their IL, others from VSC and others from my DO. Calling the 800 number only told us that everything came back super quick and we had been scheduled and then for some reason, descheduled. No reason given.

I don't want to worry too soon, but it is nerve wracking!

I have been waiting for almost 15 months. I tried calling and InfoPass, even my attorney tried. We are getting the same answer, it's out of the queue in a no processing pile. An IO said my clearance was done quickly over a year ago and see no reason as why mine is on the no process pile.
I called again today to see if they were moving on my file. And the representative was a jerk. She told me that I'm not even in my District that my file is in some other district and the IO at InfoPass could not give me correct information as it was not my district.
They jsut don't want me to have my application accepted.
I'm writing to our Senator thsi week

What can I say but good luck! Sounds like a crazy situation.

My observation is that if you do not receive IL within 2 months of FP, you are likely to have NC issues. Right now the processing speed is really fast IF you do not have name check issues, as you observed in other thread.

The bottle neck is now with FBI name check. Their goal is to clear NC pending for more than six months by 02/2009.

I suggest you to schedule an INFOPASS to find out but do not expect they will tell you when it is going to be done. That's a million dollar question.
More information

My observation is that if you do not receive IL within 2 months of FP, you are likely to have NC issues. Right now the processing speed is really fast IF you do not have name check issues, as you observed in other thread.

The bottle neck is now with FBI name check. Their goal is to clear NC pending for more than six months by 02/2009.

I suggest you to schedule an INFOPASS to find out but do not expect they will tell you when it is going to be done. That's a million dollar question.

I called USCIS again and found out that hub's interview had originally been scheduled on June 30 for September 25. It was descheduled practically immediately upon scheduling. They said that the file appears to be in the Buffalo District Office at the moment and it may be still under review (???) - I didn't know they reviewed files before the interview. I thought that was when files were scrutinized and any questions would be answered.

Just contacted my congressman, sent in the consent form for him to access the case.

We'll see ...
