Contacted Local Senetor today ... further disappointment


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After a long wait my patience finally ran out and I searched the number for a local senetor and called .... The person on phone told me that since this senetor (his boss) is a local senetor so his office could not help. He was kind enough to give me local number of a senetor of federal representation. I called this number too and was told that I should call his Detroit office and there is some expert staff who can help me.

Finally, I called the Detroit office too, I was told by a very sympathatic lady that they have an information that BCIS is processing Sept '01 cases and my RD is Nov '01. Therefore, this office cannot send a query till BCIS updates the processing date beyond my RD. She asked me to call back again if I don't get my GC after BCIS has updated the processing dates beyond my RD. She was so kind and willing to help .....

So that's it, end of the road. I'm really wondering how some of the guys with Oct '01 RD are able to contact senetors and get help.
Hi thukralrk

Don't get disappointed with this. My Rd was Oct 2001 and I got approved last week after contacting the Senator.

Your Rd is Nov 2001, that means its already past 26 months and BCIS allows u to file an enquiry once 26 months have passed and nothing has happened. So u can call up the lady and ask her to file it for you, since u said that she was kind and helpful.

Best Luck
Thanks a lot guys for your responses.

I had called the office of Carl Levin and the message is what I stated here.
WHat do you mean, "26 months?"

Carl Shusterman says as long as your ND is later than that in the official processing time report, there is nothing you can do. You cannot jump the line.

did not get any help from both senators

Hi, NCSJAN0902:

I contacted both of them before Chrismas, but no avail. I was told by their staff that since NSC is processing AUG's cases, there is nothing they can do but waiting.

Originally posted by NSCJAN0902

I'm also from Detroit and contacted my district congressman about three months ago. Follow this link and call senators Carl Levin or Debbie Stabenow or your district congressman:,1303,7-102-116_355-2409--,00.html

They will be able to tell you how to proceed. I hope this link will help you.

ND 01/07/02
RFE 09/23/03
2n FP 10/9/03
AD ??????

I will advise you to talk to your district congressman.

I am working with my district congressman and they are helping me to expedite my case. I started from my case stuck in FBI for name check and know my case has been transferred to USCIS officer for review. Unfortunately I still do not know when my case will be approved.

ND 01/07/02
RFE 09/23/03
2n FP 10/9/03
AD ??????