Contacted Congressman and here is the ..

longGC, hang in there buddy, and keep your spirits high. What you heard from the congressman's CSR, is the truth, but it's not necessarily all that bad. Would you rather be listening to some sweet talking attorney who would keep telling crazy and unreasonably optimistic outcomes. Just the fact that they made the call and that someone in the USCIS has made a record of a congressman inquiry on your case is a very positive thing. That may speed up your case, also what do you expect, that the USCIS person will tell your congressman's CSR that they will "approve the case immediately"?! They might have given them the standard BS response, but behind the scenes the wheels of bureaucracy might just move a bit faster. In the meantime, no one's stopping you from contacting both of your state senators and putting some more pressure on the USCIS.
I contacted Senator John Mccain, got reply from TSC, but no progress.

RD 5/1/01
ND 6/18/01

I think we are both in the same boat. I have contacted senator John MCcain, without a doubt, the most powerful senator in the US. They contacted TSC and got the reply for me in 10 days. They said my case is on an officer's desk, and the officer was told that there is congressional interest in my case. This was about 3 weeks back. The stupid officer has not done anything with my case in 3 weeks. I don't know what is up with that idiot. I have contacted the senator's office again, and they told me that they cannot do anything after it is with the officer, and they told me that my case should be processed any day. I am eagerly waiting for that day. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Hi Longgc!!!

What does your 485 status say now? I filed for MTR on my i-485 denial. They send me a notice saying that after review, we have reopened or reconsidered the previous decision. Does this mean my MTR has already been processed? Online status also say that my case has been reopened after BCIS mtion and it is taking 730 days to process such cases.

Please respond with your current online status. Did you get seperate WAC/EAC number for MTR and did you receive a receipt notice for your MTR application? Did u also receive such notice on your I-485 after you sent the MTR application?

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That sucks when you get a reply from Senator that there is nothing they can do once the file is on officer's desk. Then why do we need Senators?


I received a separate number for MTR. My MTR online status says that is is taking 120 to 180 days to process this kind of requests. Already 270 days have passed but nothing has happened. TSC CIS says that there is no time limit for such cases and are dealt separately. (This answer sucks...)

My 485 application says as it used to say. "FP received and will let you know as soon as a decision is made ....blah blah..."
My case is approved.

Just to let you know, i have contacted the Arizona senator again on Monday, they contacted TSC on Tuesday and my case was approved on Wednesday. Today morning, the senator's office called me and left a good news at my home and work phone numbers and then i checked the online status, and it was indeed approved.

RD 05/01/2001
ND 06/18/2001
FD 01/08/2003
AD 03/31/2004
Congrats, Krishna!

How did you contact senator/congressman? Did you call them or send them letter? What information they ask?

Thanks for the post.

Enjoy ur freedom...
you look fine . Nothing to worry.

But when I contacted Congressman, his Immigration Liasion gave me an appointment. I am going to meet him personally. Let us see.

>> plan to meet them .they will provide you real picture and some time line as per the reply from service center.

Questions -

1. Who is more powerful/influential, Senators or Congressman?

>> both are equlayy good for this kind of status check.

2. Will the Congressman Liasion at TSC get mad if I contact Senators as well as Congressman, as he will get inquiries from all? It has been three weeks and no one got a response from TSC.

>> I do not think so. You can always say that I was waiting for almost 3 weeks. did not heard so I contacted other. But I think you shud follow up with them . I mean if they say after 2 weeks , try to get in touch with them after 2 weeks. If they do not say any time line,you ask them what is the best time to check back ,say 2 weeks /3 weeks. etc..

Please share your experience.
>> I had contacted both of them in CA. Both of them provided same information update. No problems at all.

That sucks when you get a reply from Senator that there is nothing they can do once the file is on officer's desk. Then why do we need Senators?

>>> Wrong conception. Senator/congressman can only help you to reduce the time to get close to file if time is substantially delyed for your application. They will never ask /rather they are legally not allowed to ask to approve any case. They will always ask for status check. and if any thing is incomplete they will inform you. If they say approve then officer may say that senator or congman is putting pressure. This will not work here. When the case is on officers desk, Officer can give some time line say 60 days or 30 days then if officer cannot work in that time line you can always approcah senator/congman asking whats goin on ....

They cannot force officer holding file.
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Some response from Congressman

I went personally to see the immigration liasion in Congressman's office. The experience was good.

While I was waiing for lisaion to get off phone and talk to me, someone asked me if I need any drink. That was nice..

Liasion heard my case and immediately called TSC and spoke to liasion at TSC. After giving my Alien #, the TSC lisaion immediately answered that my file is with officer. The whole thing was done in less than 3 minutes. I was amazed with the speed at which they gave me an answer. The call was on speaker phone so I could hear everything. The TSC lisaion also said that someone from this office had contacted earlier on this case.

There are two possibilities,

1. The officer will approve the case.
2. The officer will issure RFE.

Now, I am waiting to hear from officer.... Not sure how long will it take.
Good Luck !!!

I bet you had tears in your eyes once you got a response in 3 minutes.

All the best and hope things go well for you.
You've got all of us praying for a quick resolution on your case

Just hang in there a little longer.

again, waiting to hear/read "Yippeeee, the saga is finally over" from you.

Good luck.


Your case sure will be approved very soon with your effors and our prayers. Just hang in there, buddy!