Contacted Congressman and here is the ..


Registered Users (C)
I raised enquiry thorugh USCIS, 2 weeks passed and no news

I contacted Senator - 3 weeks passed and no update

I contacted another Senator - 2 weeks passed and nothing came

I contacted Congreeman - asked me to wait for a week..

My Congreeman told me something that I would like to share with you... (if you already know then please add some more info)

TSC has liasion for Congress. The Congressman can either send an e-mail or write a letter. For e-mail they respond in 10 business days and for letter the wait time is 30 days. My Congressman told that usually they get back on e-mail in one business day.

Hopefully the things should move.. I will keep you posted. Please share your experiences here.
I really hope you get approved soon.

You will be approved soon. I am eager to hear the good news of "approval" posting from you.
I have contacted my local congressman's office regarding expedited process on my EAD application and also in my request I added the delay in processing my I-485. The secretary got hold of the TSC liason over the phone and got worked on I-485 issue! It was tremendous! Even for I-765 application I received a +ve feedback. In my opinion TSC responds to representatives so nicely and unbelievably! From this, I can tell you that your approval is on the way if you have a cooperative local rep!
Yes guys, I've been telling you all along, the congressmen and especially the senators can work some magic with the USCIS if they want to. The same goes when dealing with consulates in foreign countries.
Did you actually talk with your congressman over phone or face to face? Please share it. I searhed and found out the senator who is in charge district 4 has many local offices. I wonder which way is best I mean emai senator directly or talk with staffs in local offices.

Share light here.
When I contacted Senator's office they did not invite me for personal interview. They just asked me to fax my letter. Did not even ask any supporting document. One Senator asked me to fill out a Privacy Release form. Congressman did the same to me.

But when I contacted Congressman, his Immigration Liasion gave me an appointment. I am going to meet him personally. Let us see.

Questions -

1. Who is more powerful/influential, Senators or Congressman?

2. Will the Congressman Liasion at TSC get mad if I contact Senators as well as Congressman, as he will get inquiries from all? It has been three weeks and no one got a response from TSC.

Please share your experience.

If you go face to face they know you better. But the risks are you have to walk in and they should be in a mood to talk to you without an appointment. Calling also works better. Keep just sending an email or faxing as the last option.

Your turn is around the corner.

A little more patience and you will be through.

Waiting with bated breath to read the golden words for your case - 'This case has been approved. On April .....".


Your turn is around the corner.

A little more patience and you will be through.

Waiting with bated breath to read the golden words for your case - 'This case has been approved. On April .....".


Your turn is around the corner.

A little more patience and you will be through.

Waiting with bated breath to read the golden words for your case - 'This case has been approved. On April .....".

LongGC, I posted my experience with congressman and senator in another thread initiated by you. Regarding the two questions you raised here, the following is my understanding.

1. Who is more inflential?
I believe both of them are very inflential. The problem here is not who is more inflential. It should be who is more willing to work for your immigration case. Based on my experience, congressman should be more willing and have relative more time to work for your case because congressman is usually responsible for a district. Keep in mind, there are only two senators in one state. The congressman I contacted didn't sit in the immigration subcommittee. His staff is more willing to work for my case and I had telephone conversations with her once or twice per week for three months. I never met her until my case was finally approved.

2. Whether it is a good idea to pursue both of congressman and senator at the same time?
It depends. I don't know whether doing that would upset one of them. I can't deny there is possibility that one or two of them get mad and completely dropped your case. It might be wise to concentrate just on one depending on its initial willingness. In my case, I concentrated on congressman and tried to use senator when congressman's office asked me to wait for an extended period.

You need to be patient and a little bit aggressive in purusing those offices. The following is my own experience.
1. Be polite all the time. Keep in mind, the people in those offices are trying to help you. Don't get mad or upset with them. Sometime they might say some good words about TSC. No need to get into argument with them on TSC's efficiency.
2. Be persistent. Sometimes you might not get any update or progress for couple of weeks. Don't be frustrated. A very small push from those offices might be a huge help for you. Keep in mind you need to keep dialogues open all the time. Before you hang up each time, always ask when you should check back with them. Make sure you call back at the promised date/time.
3. Try to be realistic with those people. Don't be too aggressive on your goal. In my case, I first told them I was afraid my case was lost or misplaced because all the other people in my company filed with me at the same time had received green cards almost two years ago. After she confirmed my case was not lost. I asked her to get me a finger print notice. After finger print was done, I asked her to follow up. My point here is try to guide them. You might want to find out whether your case is misplaced or lost, what necessary steps are needed before approving your case, etc.
One more point.

Don't ever talk to a machine. Those people are so busy they seldomly call you back or reply your email/fax. Face to face meeting might be too much. In my opinion, telephone conversation will be enough and convenient for you too. Try to call them in the earlier morning so they can contact TSC on the same day or at that moment instead of next days.
Thanks TexasGC2004 for your valuable input. Here is one point that I would like to tell, my case was denied last year after my employer informed about layoff. Right now I have a job in similar position and I have filed motion to reopen the case. But TSC has not done anything on that even though they had promised to get back to me by January 2004.

May be TSC is working on my case but whatever they do I am expecting TSC to give some answer to Congressman/Senator (C/S) so that we are aware of what is happening.

People in this forum had answers / approvals in 2 weeks after contacting C / S when their date was pass due.

Response received....

I received a response from Conressman's office. As promised, they had received a reply to e-mail in just 1 business day. When I called, the Congressaman liasion told me that my 485 was denied last year and I had filed motion to reopen the case. That case is under process.

When I told about the hardship of delays, liasion was supporting USCIS and told that that's how they work. They are government and not private organizations, they publish date but that is tentative and actual date could be longer.. and you have to be patient....... (as if 7 years in the same situation is not enough).... that this is the price everyone have to pay for freedom ....... and blah blah blah...

But I was told that they will contact again to TSC ans ask how long will it take to take a decision on my MTR.

CIS tells that such cases can take any time and there is no time table to act on such cases...

Any guess....??
I am so sorry that you case did not get quicker process even with cogressman's inquiry.

Hang in there buddy! There is always light at the end of each tunnel. No matter how loooong it is!

Just curious, why was your I-485 denied? If it is something you wouldn't mind sharing with us, please do. If you don't like to share it with us, I understand.
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you will be fine

LongGC Buddy

i did hear some encouraging stories that senator helped some hard immigration case through in the past years. i suggest you keep trying different senator or more congressmen, as i said before, they love to do some special or challenging things in this election year.

try more and the right senator or congressman will show up at last! good luck!
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