Contact senator/congressman


Registered Users (C)
My NIW case was transfered to Philly after 18-month waiting. I will need another 12 months, which is not guaranteed, for an interview. Thus, I plan to contact the senators or congressmen for help. Now I have some quesitons:

1. Which one is better to contact? A Senator or a Congressman?

2. Can I contact more than one senator/congressman at the same time?

3. What's the guideline of the letter? I should write a short letter or a long one?

Thanks in adavance.

ND 04/06/2002
TD 09/23/2003
1. It depends on your senator or congressman
2. Contact one at atime.
3. Long or short doesn't matter. But my advise is to go for short one.

This is really unjustified, unwarranted.

I guess you are in PA (like myself).

I would say contact your local congressman and Sen. Santorum (Specter is in / will be in a re-election).

You can also contact the Inquirer: Contact
"", and explain NIW and your case, backlogs, etc.

Note: I already sent her the Petition.
hello, cinta

hello, cinta

From your posting, I think you have some experience with PA senators for your GC. I am in PA too.

My Gc is approved/card received already back four and half months ago,
but my wife's case (Nov'01') is still pending.

Do you think which one Santorum or Specter is better?

thanks for your reply
Re: hello, cinta

Originally posted by not_at_the_same
hello, cinta

From your posting, I think you have some experience with PA senators for your GC. I am in PA too.

My Gc is approved/card received already back four and half months ago,
but my wife's case (Nov'01') is still pending.

Do you think which one Santorum or Specter is better?

thanks for your reply

I contacted all three through AILA's web-site for the Driver Licence issue. Only Senator Santorum answered back. The answer was tasteless, meaningless.."when the bills pass the Congress and come to the Senate...". Specter is for re-election next year, so he may be busy collecting money..your local congressman??
P.S. PA is not the immigrant friendliest state.
Sometime back

I ever read from this forum that a NIW guy ever got a recommendation letter from President Clinton for I-140 several years ago.

I don't know other cases.