• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Consultations for lottery for visas in general


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone.

I'm from Santiago, Chile. Sudamercia, turns out that in the forums LATN, little discussed the issue of Visa Lottery, it is very likely that is the product of the small number of favored in the DV compared to other regions. Well I wanted to ask if someone has an idea of how the system works to send letters of notification, the KCC said that the NL will be shipped between May and July, but it turns out that there are people who received it in March, April, May and June, July maybe nothing now. You believe that in the remaining part of June and July 2008. Notifications to be more advantaged people. Ideally know what percentage per month is used by the KCC for sending notifications. From KCC informed me that all letters will be sent before July 1, 2008.

Any comments will be welcome.

Many greetings to everyone.

From the information I could gather in forums Latinos, received his NL:

April: approximately 9 people
May: approximately 7 people
June: 3 people about

Very few people have porticipado in forums this year, compared to previous processes DV-2008, DV-2007, and so on. to be this?
