consular filing


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends,
I am US Citizen and want to marry an Indian in New Delhi.
I have recently heard about Direct Consular filing which
is much faster than the traditional way of getting PR for her.
How does this process work and how long does it take?
Where can I find more information about it?
Please help.
thanks a ton,
1. Check this out where most of the green card related questions are answered by Rajiv Khanna:

2. Another web site which explains the family based GC process:

3. From Rajv Khanna's web site on FAQ for Green Cards:
What is the time-frame to get a GC if the spouse is an U.S. citizen?
Once you marry a US citizen, your spouse would file for your papers and you will be able to receive employment authorization in approximately 1-3 months. You will get your temporary GC in about 6-12 months. After 2 years you will get a permanent GC (you have to prove/show to BCIS that the marriage is genuine)