Congressional Department

I called TSC, and they told me my file is with congressional
department. He told me my contact at senators dept
have to call them to find out any progress.

Any thoughts

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RamKrishna, can you tell us the detail of your conversation with OII? Why does OII say so? Did you tell OII something?

By the way, tikgc99tsc, do not sniff. Things are not looking good for a long time. Yes, it is miserable already. How miserable is "more miserable" to you? How worst is "more worst"? We are doing this because we believe there is some fairness in this country and our voices can be heard more or less. We should not keep eternal silence as we lived before because of fear. Above all, there is law. As long as we hold on and unite, we can make a difference.
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First tell me what OII is?????????
If you mean to say that it is IIO.Don\'t bother to answer.Cos\' I don\'t want to keep in contact with half knowledge people.
BTW are you the same guy who drafted the letter to address to the Congress/Senators about the ineffeciences.
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What "OII". I called Texas service center and the agent told me
my file is with congressional department. He was not friendly at all
to start with (what a surpise). Since it is with congressional dept,
he can\'t give details. Only the senator\'s representative can
talk to them regarding progress. and that is it.
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Sorry, I do not know what OII mean either, just saw some people use some signs like that to represent agent. BTW, I am not the GUY who proposed the letter, but I think he did a great job.

No offend, I figured out the answers by myself. None of you need to answer anything for me. Zillions thanks.
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Guys, I totally agree with you all. This is not the time to fight each other. We all have a common problem. We need to collectively push for this just cause.
It doesn\'t matter who came up with the letter. The common intent is what matters most.
We don\'t even know the detail of RamKrishna\'s case. How it happened? Did he send a letter to the congressman etc.?
Let him give us more information, then we can all decide what we need to do next.
Keeping our silence on this common problem would only make matters worse. We need to constantly voice our problems through the appropriate channels in order to make progress.
Let us all hope for the best...
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I called Texas service center and the agent told me
my file is with congressional department. He was not friendly at all
to start with (what a surpise). Since it is with congressional dept,
he can\'t give details. Only the senator\'s representative can
talk to them regarding progress. and that is it.

YES I sent letters to senators. How hard it is to understand this case.

YES I sent letters to senators.
I486/ EB3 / Filed in Aug 99 / Texas Service center
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Ramkrishna, Sorry to hear your experience. I understand your frustrations. I would advice you to give the senators office a few days to get back to you about your case. If you don\'t hear back within a week, then you may contact the senators office again to enquire about any progress.
One positive indication at this point is that the Congressmen/women/senators that have been contacted seems to be contacting TSC on our behalf already.
Hang in there. You\'ll be ok.
We shall all see a resolution to this problem soon.
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Be careful, BK. Ramkrishna did not say he sent the sample letter someone proposed on 7/8/01 to senators yesterday (7/9/01, Monday) and got the rude phone reply fom TSC that his file is with congressional Dept. today (7/10/01, Tuesday).
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I don\'t understand your message. BK and I were talking about an
enquiry I sent to senator for me (not the sample letter).

The person at INS was rude before I told him about my case.
May be he was just tired. Customer Service is a very stressful job.

We will wait and see

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You are no use to anyone because we all here are no experts, Average people like to do share our pain and try to do something collectively about TSC issues, Not smart !#$ like you.

So it will be a favor if can get ur smart !#$ somewhere else where you can find smart people like you.