CONgress approved 25000/year Asylees


This bill did not get approved, but it did not get finally rejected either. Last thing I could find was " has been forwarded to subcommittee for further investigation and analysis..."

May be this bill has more chances than the one for complete elimination of annual cap, that even did not get introduced this year.

I say we take an action.

I suggest we draft a letter and send it/fax it to our senators, asking them to support this bill that has passed the first stage and is sitting with the subcommitte now.

The key is that it has to be massive, we have to do it at the same time so that our congressmen take it seriously.

I am starting a list of people that are ready to participate in this action.
Please make a posting here and I will update the list with your name.


1. lusiks
2. ....
3. ....
Count me in too.

1. lusiks
2. Asluser
4. jackdanie7
5. Punjabi_Munda

I wish we can just shove this bill down their throat like a bitter medicine. Whether they like it or not. They all know they have nothing to lose by passing this bill except for the fact that it will benefit us. Thought that they find extremely hard to stomach.
I just feel very sad. Only five asylees to support this issue in almost one week time period. How long we can get enough supports to take actions???

If you are an asylee, supporting this issue only has benefits and no any harms. If you do nothing, you can GC quick??? I just question about it. REMEMBER NO FREE LUNCH AT ALL.
Damn man....

Remember God doesn't help those who don't help themselves. If we just keep sitting on our asses waiting for a miracle to happen. News flash, that ain't happenin yall.
Please, please please let's flood all the Senators with these faxes. What we got to lose? If someone is worried about the long distance fax bill for one fax, I volunteer to pay that. Come on guys ...... :mad:
So here is the complete list

1. lusiks
2. Asluser
4. jackdanie7
5. Punjabi_Munda
6. Ukulele
7. asylee1999

Thanks guys keep them coming
1. lusiks
2. Asluser
4. jackdanie7
5. Punjabi_Munda
6. Ukulele
7. asylee1999
8. porkman
9. vaitbajram

Lusiks are the nine people enough? What would you like to do next?? We are willing to do what it takes..
i am in. :)

1. lusiks
2. Asluser
4. jackdanie7
5. Punjabi_Munda
6. Ukulele
7. asylee1999
8. porkman
9. vaitbajram
10. asylee25
# of people

Hi guys,

I'd like to get more people in and I will post the draft letter to discuss pretty soon.

If we really want to do something, it is better for us to hurry up. The congress sessions will run out quickly and the voting will be gone forever.

We need a letter and send it to all conressmen/women and senators as soon as possible. If one of them responses and has a voice in congress or senate for the issue of us. That will be our victory. Otherwise, we should be waiting the years following USCIS. DON'T SAD IF WE DON'T ACT RIGHT NOW.
Gebre said:
Increase in Numerical Limitation for Asylees Adjustment Act of 2003 (Introduced in House)

HR 82 IH


1st Session

H. R. 82
To increase the numerical limitation on the number of asylees whose status may be adjusted to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.


January 7, 2003
Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


To increase the numerical limitation on the number of asylees whose status may be adjusted to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Increase in Numerical Limitation for Asylees Adjustment Act of 2003'.


(a) IN GENERAL- Section 209(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1159(b)) is amended by striking `10,000' and inserting `25,000'.

(b) EFFECTIVE DATE- The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2003.

Can you please remove this post to avoid giving false hopes to people!