conflicting answers from IIO


Registered Users (C)
Applied EAD renewal. RD: 10/2/02.
Spoke to IIO on Monday. According to her my case has been assigned to an officer and a decision will be made soon. I should expect something in 1-2 weeks.
Spoke to IIO on Wednesday (1/29). According to her my case has been assigned to an officer and it will take 2 months to make a decision.

Conflicting answers from TSC after waiting for long hours on the phone is really frustrating. Am not sure if the Dallas district offices are issuing interim EAD in one day anymore.

According to an INS Memo the district offices have stop issuing same day interim EAD due to secruity checks.

Just hoping to get my EAD approved as I have an offer that I can't take becoz of the delay in processing.
Receipt ??????????

I have mailed in my application (I-360) on Nov 5th 2002 & have not recieved any info back from the INS yet. If I call in to enquire about it what information should I have handy to provide them so he/she can check the status? What if the receipt is lost in mail will he/she be able to give me the SRC number over the phone or should I mail in any other aplication to get a duplicate copy?
Any help in this regards is greatly appreciated.
sidvan --- don't expect what the IIOs ask you to expect. But I believe they are processing around that dates when they released processing times couple of weeks back (01/15/03..they claim 10/01/02 ones)..So you should see an approval soon..

rajpriya --- 2 months is a pretty long time for you to wait for the receipt. If you've used FedEX or some tracking mail, you might check to see if they actually received it. If INS cashed the check that you've sent with the application, then you can track through that.

Hope that helps

Thanks for u'r reply Madhav!

I mailed it via USPS priority mail & I was able to tarck it. It was delivered on 11/7. As for Money Order (not Check) being cashed I have an 800 number & I call everyday but it always comes up saying this money order was not found in this system. I don't know what to do. I have applied as EB4 catogory.
Any other way to track a money order?
Appreciate u'r help.
frankly i donno how money order works here...never used one till lawyer handles all the stuff...if u have the right number and u paid should probably have a receipt of some kind (i dont even know if they give a receipt for a money order..i am just throwing stuff here)...for example..if u purchased that money order at a grocery store or AAA office..will they have a record of it..?? it cant be that the number you have at hand is incorrect if ur MO is valid...

i cant think of anything else..i dont know if i thought right till now..:)

EAD Renewal

We had applied for my wife's renewal during May 02. It took them 5 months to send her the receipt notice and cash the check. September 24 th we got the receipt notice and Jan 16th, 2003 we got the approval for renewal. In TSC anything can happen. So don't loose hope.
vettipuls this news is very encouraging!

Madhav I have a tracking number for the money order. But when I enquired from the store where I bought it as to how I can track they gave me the 800 number. I guess with what Vettiplus has mentioned thy have not yet entered the info in the system so no money order is cashed nor a receipt is generated. Just trying to be positive about this situation.

Vettiplus did u call the INS anytime during that period when u did not recieve the receipt??? If so what information did u provide?
Thanks for your help.
Got through the 2nd time in a day

Was able to get through to TSC twice in a day (wow it was my day huh?)

The IIO I spoke to the second time was very polite and helpful and she took my address change to send the EAD to the westcoast. Also she sent an email to the officer working on my case (while on the phone) asking him to pass a decision asap.

Also she had changed the address for my FP and said that I should expect my FP anytime.She told me that I should see an action on my case within the next few days.

After a long wait for EAD renewal, this sounds reassuring....
EAD Renewal

Rajpriya after waiting patiently for 3 months we knew something was wrong. I suggested that we file again, but my attorney said it will create more confusion and there is a chance we will end up paying twice. So she wrote them a letter and sent copies of the fedex tracking number plus the return receipt that they had signed for. Only after this the process moved again and they somehow managed to find her papers I guess. I think it wouldn't hurt to send them a fax or even call and talk to an IIO explaining your situation. Your last name if at all any will atleast help them to look you up in their system. Give it a try, you have nothing to loose. If all else fails I guess you have no choice but to file again.
Talked to an IIO!!!!!!

Madhav & vettipuls,

Talked to an IIO just now. Gave her my last name, employer name & she said that your information is not available in the system. She asked to check if the money order is cashed & if so then to fax a copy of the front & back of the MO, USPS receipt to the Finance department & they will be able to track it. In case the MO is not cashed then asked to resubmit the application. She spoke very nicely & was very patient with my quries.

Thanks for all your help guys!
Rajpriya I am glad atleast you know what to do now. Make sure you cancel the old MO and get your money back. I hope you can do this. If not I am sure they will find it at some point and cash it. Did you know that they are only processing Aug 01 cases for I-360? Looks like you have a long wait ahead of you. Good luck anyway.
Vettipul Question!

Vettipul in u'r last post u mentioned that I-360 processing time is Aug 01 but now it shows as 03/03/03 at TSC. My rd is Nov 8th 2002 but not approved yet. On line message shows that it takes 365- 485 days to process. Should I contact the IIO in regards to this or just wait for the approval? Please advice.

Thanks .
Yes contact IIO

Yes I think you should contact IIO. Looks like TSC is processing I 360 cases very fast maybe because there are not that many applications to begin with. According to the dates they are processing you should be already approved or about to be. So I think you should give it a try by contacting IIO.
give personal checks

dont go through money order route. it is easier to tracks checks on ur online accounts
Issued RFE

Checked status via phone this afternoon & came to know that an RFE is ssued on March 20th 2003. But online just says recieved the application on Nov 8th 2002 & it takes 365-485 days for processing.

Question is what is the time duration in which I need to respond to the RFE & what if the mail was lost? Cause niether me nor the lawyer has recieved anything in mail.

Tried to reach an IIO but no luck. Will try again tomorrow.

Thanks for your help in this regards.
RFE response

Rajpriya I think the best thing to do would be to try to talk to IIO and explain to them that it has been almost a month and neither you or your attorney have recvd the RFE. Also check what address they have for you on their system. Best time to try calling them is a few minutes before 8 AM so that you can easily get through the phone lines. Worst case try to fax them a letter explaining your situation. Also it will be good to request your attorney to send them a formal letter explaining your situation. Almost all RFE's have a timeline around 30 days or so for you to respond and if you don't they consider your case abondoned. Not to scare you or anything but it is better to act fast. If you or your attorney send any communication to them make sure it has delivery confirmation and return receipt acknowledgement so that you have some proof which will help in the RFE process. Good luck !!

Experts please correct me on the RFE timeline if I am wrong.
I believe they give 3 months to respond to the rfe on most cases.
Last year i got one which had 3 months to respond.But that was the h4 extension case.