***Confirmed*** - September Mumbai Consulate Appointments - Track Here!

Re: no reply for my email yet...

Originally posted by tamtam
Is there anybody else other than gkothari, whose pkt was sent out from nvc on 24th july, got a reply from the consulate about the interview schedule.

Try calling them 363-4708.
Call beetween 2-4 pm India time. It is diffcult to get line but not keep trying you will get. I tried y'day without any success but got through today.
Amchi Mumbai

After 3 reminders, Mumbai consulate finally confirmed that I'll be given a September date. Whopeee!!! and all that. No specifics provided however. Guess I'm not as lucky as some of you guys. Either that or I haven't been persistent enough in my attempts so far. I'm going to start making those telephone calls like watch_tsc.
(btw NVC sent my p3 to mumbai on July 24)
confirmed Sep 19th interview

Hey guys,

Sent a mail to Mumbai Consulate asking about my interview date. Got a reply saying my interview is scheduled for 19th of September.

Airport Transist Visa...

I was inquiring one of the airline (airfrance/delta) and they have flight going from USA to India via Paris.
As anybody having an idea if we need Airport Transist Visa for France?
While talking to airline operator they said check with french consulate if you need this (they said you might need this).
Post any reply.
Airport Transist Visa...

You don't need any transiet visa when travelling via France if you have a H1 stamped in passport or H4 stamped in passport and it is not expired. If it is expired then yes you will need transiet visa.

BTW I am travelling via Delta (AirFrance Paris to ND) I have to get visa.
thanks vijay_atl

Thanks Vijay for your immi. input. My H1 and H4 for dependant in passport is expiring in november this year and I am flying september. so, I think I dont needed Airport Trans. Visa.
Why do you need this? yr h1 has expired?
Do you have any phone# to talked to french embassy? I tried few number but there are automated VM. Also could you please post what docs need to get transist visa? French Emb. website does not have any clear information.
Appr any info.
Thanks again.
Re: Amchi Mumbai

Originally posted by nilujaya
After 3 reminders, Mumbai consulate finally confirmed that I'll be given a September date. Whopeee!!! and all that. No specifics provided however. Guess I'm not as lucky as some of you guys. Either that or I haven't been persistent enough in my attempts so far. I'm going to start making those telephone calls like watch_tsc.
(btw NVC sent my p3 to mumbai on July 24)

When exactly did you get your confirmation for Sept?

I sent a lot of emails to Mumbai recently asking for date (after I had received a reply on 2nd Aug saying "hopefully will schedule for Sept"). Havent got any replies since. but got thro to operators on Thursday and Friday. Both times they said date is not scheduled for me, adding I may most likely get OCT !!. My case was also sent on 7/24 like yours, same EB3 category. P4s have already been mailed out to lot of people. What going on? :confused:
Re: Re: no reply for my email yet...

Originally posted by satishdave

Try calling them 363-4708.
Call beetween 2-4 pm India time. It is diffcult to get line but not keep trying you will get. I tried y'day without any success but got through today.

Correction: The telephone nos are: 363-7408 and 363-7407.

I called this morning ... still don't have a date, but they say it will be in September.
Re: Re: Amchi Mumbai

Originally posted by tamtam


When exactly did you get your confirmation for Sept?

I sent a lot of emails to Mumbai recently asking for date (after I had received a reply on 2nd Aug saying "hopefully will schedule for Sept"). Havent got any replies since. but got thro to operators on Thursday and Friday. Both times they said date is not scheduled for me, adding I may most likely get OCT !!. My case was also sent on 7/24 like yours, same EB3 category. P4s have already been mailed out to lot of people. What going on? :confused:

tattam, I'm quoting their actual reply.
"You will be receiving your interview in September 2002"
I wrote on 08/05, and got their reply on 08/09 (of course had also sent follow up reminders on 08/08 & 08/09)
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Satishdave...you seem to have hit a six

Your P3 was sent on 08/05 and U hv received interview on 09/25.Amazing..how Mumbai consulate works!!!The same dates in Chennai would have fetched oct or nov interview.If my P3 is sent to consulate latest by 09/05,can I expect oct interview??
Experts pls.reply.
Reports of their efficiency have been greatly exaggerated

Originally posted by Chandu Bhai
Your P3 was sent on 08/05 and U hv received interview on 09/25.Amazing..how Mumbai consulate works!!!The same dates in Chennai would have fetched oct or nov interview.If my P3 is sent to consulate latest by 09/05,can I expect oct interview??
Experts pls.reply.

He said it was the P4 that they sent on Auggghust! 05. Disgusts me nevertheless .... I still ain't got no date, tho my P3 flew Mumbaiwards on July 24.

My wife travelled 3 months back from Delhi to Atlanta via Paris on Af/Delta, she was on H4 visa. And she was not required to take transiet Visa. This information was also poasted on France embassay (Mumbai) web site.

The transiet visa requirement for Indian was enforced from 18th March to 5th May (dates may be 1-2 days here). My wife went to New Delhi embassy on 10th May 2002 to confirm the same.

I have H1 which expired in May, that's why I will need it. Sorry I was not in town so didn't saw your post until today.
Re: Reports of their efficiency have been greatly exaggerated

Originally posted by nilujaya

He said it was the P4 that they sent on Auggghust! 05. Disgusts me nevertheless .... I still ain't got no date, tho my P3 flew Mumbaiwards on July 24.

Are you disgusted that you did not get an interview date within 15 days of mailing your P3!? :eek:
Re: Satishdave...you seem to have hit a six

Originally posted by Chandu Bhai
Your P3 was sent on 08/05 and U hv received interview on 09/25.Amazing..how Mumbai consulate works!!!The same dates in Chennai would have fetched oct or nov interview.If my P3 is sent to consulate latest by 09/05,can I expect oct interview??
Experts pls.reply.

Chandu Bhai,
For a second you confused me. My case was sent to Mumbai on July 10. So it's ususal time for Mumbai.

Thanks for your input. You are right. We dont need ATV.
Anyway, As any body exploring ticket to bombay or waiting till BMB publish lists of iview? seems like avg tkt prz is 1200.
Got the interview date.

Atlast after the wait i got the intwv date. Its on 23rd sept.
My pkt was mailed on Aug 13th. What a relief!:)
date datE daTE dATE DATE

Called Mumbai this morning, and got my interview date finally. It's on September 17 @ 9:30am. :) They've mailed the pkt on Aug 13 to both my local Mumbai addr and my attorney in Detroit (they also sent me an email confirming the same).
Good air tickets for Mumbai around $1100

Call Ms. Asha @ Future Travel 630-424-1060

They gave good deal for $1115 (North West), the cheapest I could find. If you are flying between Monday-Thursday may reduce $40 of that.

If they care tell them Satish Dave told ya (PR)!!

I am set with all my reservations.
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Got Interview date. It's on September 25 . P4 mailed on 8/13.
P3 sent to cons. on 7/24.

Thank u all