Confirmed October Interviews Mumbai

Re: Requirements in P4 docs


I am attaching the P4 doc requirements.

Documents in P4:

1. The original appointment letter
2. Passport valid for 6 mos beyong intended date of entry into the United States.
3. Police Certificate(s)
4. Birth Certificate for each applicant.
5. Birth Certificates of all unmarried children who will not immigrate with you at this time.
6. Court and Prison records, if applicable.
7. Military record, if applicable.
8. Color Photograph (3 for each person).
9. Marraige Certificate, if applicable.
10. Evidence of financial support : an affidavit of support Form I-864 for all family based immigrants and I-134, a notarized offer of employment. or evidence of your own assets for other immigrants.
11. Divorce Decree, or death certificate of spouse, if applicable.
12. Optional Forms 230 I and II, Application for immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Part II.
13. Beneficiaries of family-sponsored petitions should bring with them all original documents used to establish the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary for presentation to the consular officer. Beneficiaries of employment-based petitions should bring a recent letter from the prospective employer confirming the essential of the job offer.

All docs in English or with certified English translations.
DS230-Part I required?

we sent this already with P3 right, so do we still need it filled in again?
Why is taking a second DS230 to the consulate become such abig issue (i see around 2-3 threads on this)... Since you filled it out once, hopefully you (or ur lawyer) should have a copy of it. Just carry that with you. 99% it wont be asked for in the consulate.
Re: Immunization

Hi Friends,

I have question regarding immunization for MMR and Tetanus.

I have had both the immunization in 1997. As per talks with the medical staff today, I found that Tetanus vaccinations is valid for 10 years and MMR for lifetime. I was told that I don't need either of the vaccinations.

I have a immunization records copy and international certificate of vaccination booklet (approved by WHO). Will it be enough to carry both of these, or we need a letter from the Doctor verifying the same.

Please answer.

CP Interview and H1B extension

Hello all:

As you all know, I have a CP interview at Mumbai on Oct 30th 2002.

I have filed for an H1B extension in June 2002 but have not yet
gotten the approval notice. I just have the receipt notice.

My question is that will that be a problem as far as my consular processing interview is concerned ? Please advice.

Thank you in advance.

From what I have heard and read.They take a look at your passport to check if you have a valid H1. If it has expired they ask for the approval notice only to check if you are not out of status while in the USA. If you have a receipt notice while you were in status you should be ok.
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Please post your experiences

destmumbai, cp_mumbai_02 and others, please post your interview experiences.


I am leaving for Mumbai tomorrow


I am leaving to go to Mumbai tomorrow.

My interview date is : Oct 30th 2002.

Lets keep in touch.

Good-Bye and Good Luck to everyone.
