***Confirmed*** - December Chennai Consulate Appointments - Track Here!

Friends help needed...

Hello all,
I had a question.I have a friend who is on "bench" from Mid Oct , and hisappointment is scheduled in last week of december.His Company does'nt pay during the bench period.That leaves him with no pay stub from oct 15.His Proj was likely to last month itself, but there was some delay and yday he got a mail saying that it would take few weeks before his proj wld start...Now he is fix , coz he has booked his ticket for dec 12th...But his company has agreed to his the employment letter...How important i sthe paystub during the interview???
Can you please suggest as to what might be consequences for not having the paystub...and any remedial measures?? Thanks for all your help...any suggestions are welcome..

Those who have received their P-4 - could any one of you list the documents sent to you?
From Chennai website, P-4 included:
#1. MedicalExam Cover Letter
#2. OF230-Part II
I know Appointment Letter is one of them (#3).

Does P-4 include a "List of required documents and the order in which they need to be submitted" included?
If so can someone scan a copy of it for our reference? Appreciate it.

* Veerender, this list may answer one of your questions whether or not recent Pay stubs are mandatory.
Regarding Police clearance?

Hi all,
My police learance cirtificate says PCC for USA. Is it for my stay in USA? or Is this includes my stay in India? Please advise.

Do I need to apply for one in India?

This is a cut and paste from Chennai website:
--------------------Begin -------------------------------
-- All Indian IV applicants age 16 and above, residing in India, should obtain police certificates from the local passport office. Applicants whose Indian passport was issued within the past six months may present just the passport office police certificate, and need not obtain additional police clearances.
-- applicants over age 16 whose passports were issued more than six months previous to visa application must also obtain a police clearance from the district police office serving the applicant’s place of residence.
*** -- Indian passport holders applying for visas outside India should obtain a statement from their local embassy or consulate confirming they have no criminal record.
-- Non-Indian Iv Applicants Residing In India Should Obtain Police Certificates From The District Police Station Serving Their Area Of Residence.
-- Indian Police Certificates Are Not Available For Foreign (Non-Indian) Applicants Applying Outside India.
--------------------End -------------------------------
*** If you are residing in the USA, all you need to do is get PCC from Indian Consulate General (Washington, Houston or San Fran) depending on where you live. You do not need PCC from India separately. It took 30 days for me to get it. - Are you referring to it?

Thanks you for your response apchennai.

When I apply consulate general SFO, It took me only 3 days.
COuld you look at your certificate and write me the appropriate text in your certificate?. I was confused witht he wording"PCC for USA". Is it the same text in your certificate?

Information on Plastic cards

HI All,
Very good information about plastic cards after POE.

Re: How much time it takes to get physical GC after POE at Los Angles.
Information already posted in a different thread. So i guess you should be getting them in a month.

Recent plastic card receipt (from DOE) averages. Best to worst ranking for common POEs.
Data extracted from Cptracker.com

Atlanta - 8 days
Detroit - 11-17 days
Boston - 14 days (consistant)
New York - 15 days
Houston - 18 days
Chicago - 20 days
Newark - 22 days
Los Angeles - 28 - 32 days ( no one who entered in August has received plastic card to date. current max waiting time 31 days)
San Fransisco - 25-40 days

Summary: Detroit, Boston, New York seem to perform well. Worst are LA and SFO.

(POE - LA!)

Originally posted by delhidelhi
Hi all,

Does anybody know the average time it takes to get the card after POE from L.A.

Also the interview at Delhi went fine. Will post details lator.

Viren your question on recent paystub

It is a scary thought to attend CP without recent paystub. Ask your friend to work out something with the company and get the recent pay stub. Paystub is something Chennai consulate checks in most cases.
In my case (JAN2001CP) the officer, ticked the salary on the letter of employment, paystub, labor certificate and even the bank statement which had details of the automatic deposit. He also ticked my job title mentioned in letter of employment, paystub and labor certificate.
Good luck!

Originally posted by veerender
Friends help needed...

Hello all,
I had a question.I have a friend who is on "bench" from Mid Oct , and hisappointment is scheduled in last week of december.His Company does'nt pay during the bench period.That leaves him with no pay stub from oct 15.His Proj was likely to last month itself, but there was some delay and yday he got a mail saying that it would take few weeks before his proj wld start...Now he is fix , coz he has booked his ticket for dec 12th...But his company has agreed to his the employment letter...How important i sthe paystub during the interview???
Can you please suggest as to what might be consequences for not having the paystub...and any remedial measures?? Thanks for all your help...any suggestions are welcome..

Re: Viren your question on recent paystub

Thanks for your reply.Can you give your email id where my friend
can correspond with you.Your valuable opinion might help him.Btw, what do u suggest, that he do??

Originally posted by AIM
It is a scary thought to attend CP without recent paystub. Ask your friend to work out something with the company and get the recent pay stub. Paystub is something Chennai consulate checks in most cases.
In my case (JAN2001CP) the officer, ticked the salary on the letter of employment, paystub, labor certificate and even the bank statement which had details of the automatic deposit. He also ticked my job title mentioned in letter of employment, paystub and labor certificate.
Good luck!

I received P4 to my US address. It contains only interview letter, forms not included in it..

I wonder why would they print interview letter in yellow color A4 paper??

Madras consulate website say that they will send only the appointment letter to the US addrs..if you had specified the indian addrs, then they will send the entire P4 to the indian addrs.
Does any one have a document from Chennai with the list of documents required with the order in how it should be arranged? If so please post it here if you may.

Since it is nearing the much-anticipated date - Wish you all the best.

PS: greenchennai, My PCC doesn’t say “PCC for USA” – it is just a general certificate. But that shouldn’t matter.


I thought of bringing up this issue as it was in other posts:

Transit Visa is required if flying through France or Germany to India AND you DO NOT have a valid U.S. visa on your passport (meaning U.S.visa is expired). This is what I gathered from the German consulate site.

For short transit in Amsterdam for a few hours you DONOT need a transit visa, even if your U.S. visa has expired.

I do not know about London.


Main Page:

For India:


General info:

NETHERLANDS Visa Test (online):

I did the visa test and the results were no visa required.

Again, please look at the site and check with the airline, consulate and lawyer (and not just go off the message posting!)
Here is the order for submitting docs

This is the reply from Localmadras after his successful interview.
Order of attachments/certificates?
Could you tell me the specific order of form/certificate we should be submitting to consular officer?.
This time we did not receive any packet other than the oppointment letter.



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28th November 2002 01:44 AM

Senior Member

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 179
Re: Order of attachments/certificates?
This is how i gave my forms.

Forms that will not be returned( my list)

1. OF - 171 - Visa Appointment Letter.
2. DS 230 - Part I & II Visa Application.
3. photo copy Marriage Certificate.
4. photo copy Birth Certificate
5. photo copy Birth affidavit
6. original affidavit of support
7. original bank-letter
8. photo copy bank-statements
9. original IRS tax transcripts (last 4 years)
10. original notorized employment letter
11. photocopy pay-stubs
12. Medical reports. donot submit your x-ray.
13. completed 9003 form
14. original PCC certificate

15. Finally i handed over 3 photos & passport. Sign two photos at the botttom front.
RaviPK bought a pen for 5/10 Rs, just to sign-the photos. That pen was awesome, perfect for signing the photos.

originals in a seperate paper-clip
1. Wedding Photos
2. Wedding invitation
3. orig Birth Certificate
4. orig Birth affidavit
5. orig marriage certificate
6. orig bank statements

For my wife's file (forms submitted)
1. OF - 171 - Visa Appointment Letter.
2. DS 230 - Part I & II Visa Application.
3. photo copy Marriage Certificate.
4. photo copy Birth Certificate
5. photo copy Birth affidavit
6. photo copy affidavit of support
7. photo copy bank-letter
8. photo copy bank-statements
9. Medical reports. donot submit your x-ray.
10. original PCC certificate
11. Finally handed over 3 photos & passport . Sign two photos at the botttom front.

(for my wife's file )originals in a seperate paper-clip
1. Wedding Photos
2. Wedding invitation
3. orig Birth Certificate
4. orig Birth affidavit
5. orig bank statements

I didn't submit anything else, like school transcripts, etc, but i had it ready for submission.

When i re-visited the consulate for error-correction on Nov 21st, the consular-guy was 'reading the order in which the doc's need to be submitted'. They didn't do that for us on Nov 19th.

Anyway, You will be surprised to know that there were some folks who asked " how do i get DS230-1 & part-2". The consular-guy questioned, did you not get your packet-4 or did you not download it from the website. The answer was "no".

The consular-guy went inside and provided the applicant with blank copies of DS230-Part 1 & Part 2. When i left the consulate, the applicant was busy filling in all the columns.
Address in India for Packet 4 ??

Can anyone tell me, on which form in Packet 3 , does
one give the local address in India ?

Will there be a document in Packet 3 where you can
indicate your intention to receive the packet 4 in India
and give the address ?

mail from consulate

I received another seprate mail from the consulate to my indian address explaining about the PCC.
I guess everybody might have received it.
For me it contained the same requirements as listed in the chennai consulate.
Maybe you can check with ur local indain addrs if they received something similar.

PCC letter from consulate

Yep, I have received it at madras too. Does not seem to have anything new in it as far as I could make out.

I was wondering if someone can clarify the following items :

1) I have Paid $335 in the U.S. along with my P3. What fees do I pay in Chennai ?

2) Being in the US on H1 for a few years, I have got the PCC from New York in May '02. I was informed by my lawyer that it is valid for 1 year. I wanted to confirm.

3) What are the vaccinnes that we MUST take prior to the interview ? I know they have a long list, but most of them are recommened, not mandatory.

passport Q

do you know if the consulate returns the passport on the same evening as the interview or do they courier it back to you in a couple of days?
