Confirmed AUGUST 2004 CHENNAI interviews/experiences - Track/Post here


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Interview date confirmed at 23-AUG-2004

Appointment letter was mailed to US address.

Today I learnt from consulate people that , If you want to receive
the P4 at indian address then you have to inform the consulate before scheduling the interview.
kulkven said:
Interview date confirmed at 23-AUG-2004

Appointment letter was mailed to US address.

Today I learnt from consulate people that , If you want to receive
the P4 at indian address then you have to inform the consulate before scheduling the interview.

Hey Kulkven,

What do you mean by... you have to inform the consulate before scheduling the interview?

I got my date confirmed: Aug 24, 2004. Was planning to contact the consulate asking them to mail a copy of my P4 to my home in Bangalore. Will this be wasted effort?

I tried to do the same thing after knowing my interview date.

This is the response I got from the consulate.

"It has already been sent to your U.S address. YOu should have given this
address earlier

No harm in trying !! Give it a shot. Let me know if it works for u.
Kulkven, other August Chennai CPers,

Have you guys started looking for the tickets yet? If so appreciate your sharing the info.
Myself looking for tickets from Denver -> Bangalore. I would consider even Denver -> Madras

Why dont you look at Lufthansa? They have flights to B'lore, Madras and Mumbai.

I will going from denver when I travel but will need to work out things since my h1 stamp on the vias has expierd.


rashmi_rau said:
Kulkven, other August Chennai CPers,

Have you guys started looking for the tickets yet? If so appreciate your sharing the info.
Myself looking for tickets from Denver -> Bangalore. I would consider even Denver -> Madras

This is the message I got from Chennai "It has already been mailed to your U.S address." Don't think anything can budge them. And they're really sure!!! Will update once I receive the P4.


kulkven said:
I tried to do the same thing after knowing my interview date.

This is the response I got from the consulate.

"It has already been sent to your U.S address. YOu should have given this
address earlier

No harm in trying !! Give it a shot. Let me know if it works for u.
I got the interview on August 6th. I knew the appointment date on the 15th. Consulate has the India address since July, so I assume they will send the papers to local home address. Planning to fly to B'lore on the 26th. I don't have many good deals since its only a week before the travel. Looking for around $1600. Lufthansa and NW.
Planning to buy them today.
Thinking of being at Chennai from the 2nd of August onwards. I might need to pick up my P4 since there is not enough time.
Anyother suggestions for me. All most all paper work is ready.
I will post the details of prepared paper work today or tomorrow.
appoitment list for aug 04

Hi guys,

Aug 04 CP interviewees: Congrats and good luck.

I took a look at the appoitment schedule for aug 04 and found a few BMB case#s. Is this is an error that the nvc makes whe forwarding the case or is this possibly because someone requested it.

Again, no eb2 or eb1 cases in the first half.. all in the second half and that too on the same day(?!?). oh well...

Saturday Received only one yellow paper appointment letter.
I belive thats the packet 4 and nothing more for people who receive
packet 4 in usa.
Appointment Letter Received

I too received my appointment letter from Chennai Consulate. The letter has the date and time of the interview, along with interviewee info. and the NVC case number. The letter alludes to "some enclosed information". Also, at the bottom it says "Encl: Packet 4".

But there is nothing else in the envelope, expect this yellow piece of paper. Maybe they sent rest of the Packet 4 to lawyer? Will check with the lawyer tomorrow. Could anyone please throw light on this.

rashmi_rau said:
I too received my appointment letter from Chennai Consulate. The letter has the date and time of the interview, along with interviewee info. and the NVC case number. The letter alludes to "some enclosed information". Also, at the bottom it says "Encl: Packet 4".

But there is nothing else in the envelope, expect this yellow piece of paper. Maybe they sent rest of the Packet 4 to lawyer? Will check with the lawyer tomorrow. Could anyone please throw light on this.


Even my lawyer received similar. Just an appointment letter, nothing else.
So technically, in the worst case, if you do not receive ur appt letter either here or in India depending on what you've requested, would the lawyers have a copy of the appt letter as well? So, can we not make a copy of that and take it with us ?

As an aside, my lawyers have recd info that the NVC has transfeerd my case to Chennai. Does it usually happen..


rashmi_rau said:
Even my lawyer received similar. Just an appointment letter, nothing else.
It so happens sometimes even the lawyers won't get the appointment letter. Then you'll have to take an email from the consulate confirming your appointment plus a print out of the published dates (on-line).

Lawyers might have a special access to the info. Or he/she might have resorted to what we do ie. ping the consulate. In fact my lawyer would check the consulate website often to see if the dates were published!

dilbert30 said:
So technically, in the worst case, if you do not receive ur appt letter either here or in India depending on what you've requested, would the lawyers have a copy of the appt letter as well? So, can we not make a copy of that and take it with us ?

As an aside, my lawyers have recd info that the NVC has transfeerd my case to Chennai. Does it usually happen..

Your lawyer will rec. the appt. letter at almost the same time as you. I would think the lawyer will forward you the original, they got. I don't think they have any use of that.