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Confirmation numbers are massively deleted


Registered Users (C)
On the Dutch forum people talked about the fact that they've deleted their confirmation numbers. They're not able to check now for the second draw, even if they would win. These people can't be the only ones deleted their confirmation numbers, this must have been done by at least let's say 1% of 19,6 million entries...that's almost 200.000 People that they just take away the chance of winning.....add to that the 20.000 people that see their dream destroyed now....this is almost a quarter of a million dissapointed people....and probably it's even more than 1% that deleted their number...

...Until now I haven't seen any reaction from a public person to this whole matter....this is a shame, I've put my whole life upside down because I've been urged to do so by the KCC...they say that immediate action is required as soon as you hear that you've been selected. It has cost me hundreds of Dollars...I've quit my overseas job to get back to the Netherlands for the interview at the consulate...I've quit the rent of my appartment which I now have to leave the 1st of June....I've bought plane tickets back home from where I'm now, to get their in time for my medical exam and in order to get all my certificates and translations of degrees....

All I get back is "sorry for the inconvenience"....it's a shame....and it's even a bigger shame that nobody seems to know the law enough to judge if they can actually do this to the 22K winners without compensating them for the emotional and financial damage this whole situation caused....

It's a big drama.....all the haters on this forum should look in the mirror and ask themselves why they're so negative towards people that are sad because their dream has been raped from the behind....
they kill innocent iraqis in massive bombardements & they just says "sorry big mistake"... what makes you think that this will be different for inconveniances"?
I am sure the redraw has allready happen orthewise theyy wouldn't know for sure this problem is fixed but also they still got our confirmation number, at least until thursday the 12th...
Jayo2k, this DV Lottery has nothing to do with the Iraqis and war at the moment, I think it's inappropriate for you to relate the two matter..

If you are so against US being in the war, why would you want to live in US in the first place? The USA aren't always the bad guys, you know. They are there for many reasons, Obama's campaign promised people that he would bring back the troops, but he couldn't until now, surely he realize it's not as easy as saying it to bring them back because of the many complicated issue we normal people don't know what is going on exactly there.

Okay, war topics aside.. What else would you do, if you screw up something and have 22k people on your neck about it? I doubt they laughed about the matter and just lol sorry. I am pretty sure they are stressed out by this matter too and are dealing it at best they can.
It's a big drama.....all the haters on this forum should look in the mirror and ask themselves why they're so negative towards people that are sad because their dream has been raped from the behind....
why do you come here with your negative?? we're happy here cause they gave people second chance to win in honest competition without cheating.
peoples like to read things nobody ever mentioned... what i meant... since they do not do nothing for innocent death, why would they do something about just feelings é inconvenience...?
I was one of the 22k, heck i even sent the forms because they told me to do so on tuesday... they should be held accountable if not for the false hope but definitely for telling peoples to keep sending forms & then at the last moment, telling that it is void (on friday to avoid thousand of angry callers)... I will call them today & if our case number are still in ther data -despite the new drawing being allready done) then something is realy going on & all that ain't over yet
Jayo2k, this DV Lottery has nothing to do with the Iraqis and war at the moment, I think it's inappropriate for you to relate the two matter..

If you are so against US being in the war, why would you want to live in US in the first place? The USA aren't always the bad guys, you know. They are there for many reasons, Obama's campaign promised people that he would bring back the troops, but he couldn't until now, surely he realize it's not as easy as saying it to bring them back because of the many complicated issue we normal people don't know what is going on exactly there.

Okay, war topics aside.. What else would you do, if you screw up something and have 22k people on your neck about it? I doubt they laughed about the matter and just lol sorry. I am pretty sure they are stressed out by this matter too and are dealing it at best they can.
There is a slight chance for those who had deleted their Confirmation Numbers. Try to check this site. An automatically redirect should take you to an offline archive of dvlottery's web page, prior to it's update, if it doesn't redirect you - just click on "Impatient". Cross your fingers with one hand while double click on "Confirmation number*" form field with the other. If your browser is configured to keep your visited pages (history) - you're lucky and you'll get your number.

P.s. I am unable to post URL links. Send me a private message if you're interested of URL in question ...
or simple, if no one cleared his history & cookies in their web browser, then your confirmation number is still in your computer
There is a slight chance for those who had deleted their Confirmation Numbers. Try to check this site. An automatically redirect should take you to an offline archive of dvlottery's web page, prior to it's update, if it doesn't redirect you - just click on "Impatient". Cross your fingers with one hand while double click on "Confirmation number*" form field with the other. If your browser is configured to keep your visited pages (history) - you're lucky and you'll get your number.

P.s. I am unable to post URL links. Send me a private message if you're interested of URL in question ...
On the Dutch forum people talked about the fact that they've deleted their confirmation numbers. They're not able to check now for the second draw, even if they would win. These people can't be the only ones deleted their confirmation numbers, this must have been done by at least let's say 1% of 19,6 million entries...that's almost 200.000 People that they just take away the chance of winning.....add to that the 20.000 people that see their dream destroyed now....this is almost a quarter of a million dissapointed people....and probably it's even more than 1% that deleted their number...

...Until now I haven't seen any reaction from a public person to this whole matter....this is a shame, I've put my whole life upside down because I've been urged to do so by the KCC...they say that immediate action is required as soon as you hear that you've been selected. It has cost me hundreds of Dollars...I've quit my overseas job to get back to the Netherlands for the interview at the consulate...I've quit the rent of my appartment which I now have to leave the 1st of June....I've bought plane tickets back home from where I'm now, to get their in time for my medical exam and in order to get all my certificates and translations of degrees....

All I get back is "sorry for the inconvenience"....it's a shame....and it's even a bigger shame that nobody seems to know the law enough to judge if they can actually do this to the 22K winners without compensating them for the emotional and financial damage this whole situation caused....

It's a big drama.....all the haters on this forum should look in the mirror and ask themselves why they're so negative towards people that are sad because their dream has been raped from the behind....

First of all, the number of applications for DV2012 was about 14.7 millions, which goes up to about 19 millions with derivative applicants, that is, spouses and children listed on individual applications. But the total number of applications from which to select the 100,000 is 14.7 millions.
Second, according to news reports, only 1.9 million people were able to check whether or not they had been selected during the few days before the site was taken down; therefore, only an unlucky fraction of those 1.9 million people may have done away with their confirmation numbers.
still got mine in my emails, in a JPG format in my computer & in my web browser history
First of all, the number of applications for DV2012 was about 14.7 millions, which goes up to about 19 millions with derivative applicants, that is, spouses and children listed on individual applications. But the total number of applications from which to select the 100,000 is 14.7 millions.
Second, according to news reports, only 1.9 million people were able to check whether or not they had been selected during the few days before the site was taken down; therefore, only an unlucky fraction of those 1.9 million people may have done away with their confirmation numbers.
My friend just informed me that he got an email with a link where you can retrieve you lost confirmation number !!! :) I have not gotten mine yet but I guess they are sending them in batches. You will get yours soon as well!!! This made my day :)
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I received an email a few hours ago with a link to see my confirmation number. I already had it saved in my email since October of last year, but I hope everybody else received this email if ever you lost your number.