Conditional residency husband doesn't pay his share of income taxes


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What options does the US citizen spouse have if the conditional residency
spouse does not pay his portion of income taxes? Of course, I am responsible
so I paid the bill. I have paid for the tax preparation for 2 years. I felt
this year was "his turn", so I asked him to pay for tax preparation. HE said
he would but I have not seen his check.

Also, on our tax bill, which is on our joint salaries, I suggested we split
the total between us and each pay half. It seems that he does not want
to pay his portion. I think this is unfair that I have to pay his taxes and
mine too. WHen comes the time for the removal of conditions, I feel that
if he has to show the tax returns, then something should be attached to
the return to say, that he did not pay his portion of taxes. I am trying to
be very fair to him. But it works both ways.

He wants to lift is conditions, but does not want to be responsible in his
marriage, taxes or anything. What about this? The taxes are as much his
responsibility as they are mine.
Talk it out with him and/or get counseling

This is a relationship problem, not an immigration issue...

I suppose you could threaten to refuse to co-sign the petition to remove the conditions and let his green card expire so he'd get deported. This would be the option of last resort. I'd try marriage/financial counseling first.
I think it's the husband responsibility problem. But being a wife also, I understand guys are bad at taking care of finacial stuff. so I always file tax return, keep an eye on all the bank accounts and pay bills on time. I think a couple would contribute all income to their family, regardless the income difference. so if you guys have joint bank account, it doesn't matter to use whose portion to pay the bill.
You might want to consider filing separately? That could be an issue for him when he tries to remove conditions, but it sounds like that’s what you want.