If one have green card for the whole family, is it possible one can send the children back home for more than six months and come back latter when the parents wish, whiles the parents remain in US.
Please advice me.
Thank you.
The children can (and probably will) lose their green cards. That would mean that the parents will then need to get their citizenship (5 years) before they can go through another procedure to bring them back.
Don't listen to Firi.
My family relatives have green cards and they always leave the US for 6 months all the time and they never lose their green cards
A US green card holder can always sponsor their children for residency.
My bad on that one. You might be right. However, somewhere on this forum I read about a lady who was told by a CO (during her interview) that she could bring in her newborn baby to US only after about 5 years. Do you know how long it takes for a green card holder to sponsor his/her child (I mean the whole process)?