Comprehensive legislation was passed ..What it means to current Retrogression


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WASHINGTON, March 27 (Reuters) - An immigration reform bill that would create a guest worker program pushed by President George W. Bush and give millions of illegal immigrants a chance to earn citizenship was approved on Monday by a U.S. Senate panel.
The first step toward comprehensive legislation was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee and now goes to the full Senate for debate.
Including the contested guest worker program, which would allow future temporary workers a chance to become permanent residents, sets the stage for a bruising battle over immigration. The bill would also give some of the millions of illegal immigrants a chance to legalize their status and earn eventual citizenship.
House of Representatives-passed legislation has focused solely on tightening border security and enforcing immigration law, and many conservative Republicans say the guest worker provision is a form of amnesty.

Good News!!!

Buy still way to go till it becomes Law.
( I am not overjoyed because earlier defeat of S.1932 is still frsh in mind)

Hope this time with more momentum we will hear good news soon...( Becoming it Law, Once it passed in Senate and House)
while its good to be optimistic, the reality is that the House will never pass a bill that has the guestworker provision in it.
barring a miracle, this bill has very little chance to pass.

gcdedo said:
Good News!!!

Buy still way to go till it becomes Law.
( I am not overjoyed because earlier defeat of S.1932 is still frsh in mind)

Hope this time with more momentum we will hear good news soon...( Becoming it Law, Once it passed in Senate and House)
I agree. The guest worker provision and path to citizenship to illegal aliens will not pass in house.
Hose want enforcement only. Senete wants comprehenssive; enforcement, legal and illegal.

There will be senete-house conference committee to resolve differences. I guess enforcement, EB provisions, and Family base provision will stand in final version.

Amnesty to illegal have very less chance to survive.

nishokie said:
while its good to be optimistic, the reality is that the House will never pass a bill that has the guestworker provision in it.
barring a miracle, this bill has very little chance to pass.
What happened to OPT extension ?

What happened to extending OPT to 24 months from 12 monts ?

Asking for my friend...
Unholy alliance

I agree this bill as it stands is unlikely to pass in the house.

The only possibility I see is for the pro business republicans and the democrats to come together in a marriage of convenience to push it through the house. What an irony that would be. However this is politics after all and with the energy I see Sen. Kennedy showing on this one and his standing in the democratic party, It is not impossible.

Either way I am not sure that the guest worker provision is in our interest. The worst outcome for us however is that nothing happens. Then we are back to square one.

I suspect that if a bill passes many of our provisions will make it. So I hope something passes.
The house might actually have enough vote to pass it. The real problem during the conference committee between the house and senate because Sensenbrenner is the Chairman of the house judicial commitee...

posmd said:
I agree this bill as it stands is unlikely to pass in the house.

The only possibility I see is for the pro business republicans and the democrats to come together in a marriage of convenience to push it through the house. What an irony that would be. However this is politics after all and with the energy I see Sen. Kennedy showing on this one and his standing in the democratic party, It is not impossible.

Either way I am not sure that the guest worker provision is in our interest. The worst outcome for us however is that nothing happens. Then we are back to square one.

I suspect that if a bill passes many of our provisions will make it. So I hope something passes.
The bill has pitfalls.
Eventhough 290000 GCs are allowed, the illegal immigrants can apply for GC and its counted against it. So we have 11Mil added to it. How is that?
This bill will never pass. It is a political debate!!!

This bill never pass since it has a guest worker program. That means will never get to president. We will remain like this for ever. They don't have (politicians) any good mood to resolve the issue due to election. So.. guys don't give much wait to this bill..........My simple thoughts...... :mad: