Company name changed.... Please help


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My company merged with other Company and changed the name after I had applied for 485. My FP is scheduled for 03/08. I spoke to my lawyer, and she says that we have to file NEW I-140. But what I read from the various messages on this board, one has to file Amended I-140. Can somebody please tell me

1. How does INS know that Company name has changed. Do they ask for Emloyment letter or paystub before approving 485
2. Do I need to apply for I-140, if yes, whether AMENDED or NEW
3. How do you apply for Amended I-140 versus New I-140

Any input will be greatly appreciated
I think no need if Fed ID is same.

In my case just the company name changed but the Fed ID is still the same. My employer said we don\'t have to amend or file for a new one. But the lawyer suggested to file for an amendment. But my employer says lawyer wants to make money, there is really nothing required.
I found my friends company name got changed but they did not do anything. I also found our own company friend got is approval after the name change and he did not get any RFE\'s.
Gurus please help

1. How does INS know that Company name has changed. Do they ask for Emloyment letter or paystub before approving 485
2. If my company\'s Federal ID is changed, do I need to apply for I-140, if yes, whether AMENDED or NEW
3. How do you apply for Amended I-140 versus New I-140
For abhiyant

Thanks for your info. Can you please provide more details like

Is your 485 approved?
Was your company restructured after applying 485 or before, and did the name of you company changed ?
Did you paystubs showed the name of new company ?
Did you have to provide to INS, any document to show that company was still the same ?
According to AC21 if your company merges after 6 months of your

485 app, I donot think you need to worry.
Hi gcasap: Could you tell me what you (or your lawyer) did for the acquisition?

My company was acquired (Nov. 2001) in two weeks after I filed my 485: restructured, name and tax ID changed but my salary and duty is still the same and the new company is willing to help me with the paper work. I didn\'t file the I-140 amendment, my lawyer told me just wait for REF but I feel upset. Do I have to inform INS anything regarding the acquisition or just wait for REF and taking my chances?
Could you give me some detail about the letter from you lawyer you mentioned?

Here is some information from chat:
Attorney Murthy : Based on AC21 it may not make sense to file I-140 amendments in many cases since the INS making a decision on the I-485 within 180 days is not likely, at least in the immediate future, except for the CSC... Although some folks prefer to file an amended I-140 in case the I-485 gets approved within 180 days, others take the chance that the I-485 will not be approved within 180 days at most of the INS Service Centers...