company name change - rfe for cool_bandha


Registered Users (C)
Very upset and disappointed After such a long wait an IIO told me that a rfe
has been generated on Jun 26 but it has not been mailed out. It will take them
a week or more just to mail it. No idea what its for
They were reviewing my case for 5 months and then put it on
hold and now generate a rfe ( now wait continues for them to mail it
and for us to get it and so on and so forth)

I am exhausted and totally fed up. I do not have any more energy left
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I am really sorry to see that buddy!!....Hey I wish you good luck...hope VSC guys move their rear to issue it as quick as possible.
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Hey cool_bandha.I really think its blessing in disguise.The moment INS recieves your reply,they usually approve it the next day as seen from the many messages.(Atleast they are working on them).I think compared to people who got transferred,this is better.Good wishes.
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Relax guy .. if you hear my story .. you will plan on jumping off the closest cliff .. and I still am waiting .. imagine working for an organization for 7 years .. and still getting killed .. In the meanwhile what I suggest you do is call you company / attorney and have them keep all the documentation ready to mail .. most companies wait to receive the paperwork to get the documentation ready .. be proactive ..
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RD Aug 99
ND Sep 99
FP Aug 00
Case went to officer initially on Dec 2000
He reviewed it (maybe slept over it) for 5 months and then put it on hold
Released from hold on Jun 19
The rest you know
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If they want to do transfer they have can always do it after getting rfe response.
They have done so in the past.
With my luck that should logically be the next thing to happen to me
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cool_bandha, don\'t worry. It will work out for you. The RFE could be just for an employment letter. As soon as you or your employer replies for that you will see you approval soon. My wishes and prayers are with you.
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cool_bandha , Sorry to hear that. From so many posts here this is more a blessing in disguise. I believe as soon as ur rfe is replied they should approve you. Push ur attorney/company to respond asap.
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Relax Cool_bandha..

This could be just for an updated employment letter , pay stubs etc.. They will approve your app. immediately after they receive response to your RFE. I would say you are closer to approval than many of us.
HAve hope.. Remain positive.. Good luck
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cool_bandha ,I am frustated too. After sitting on it for so long now they suddenly realize that they need further evidence. I think our case is with the same officer. They have issued an RFE for me too and since the past 3 weeks I am hearing the same from the IIO\'s that there is a backlog and your attorney should get it in 3 weeks, I dont know when the three weeks will be over, maybe after that like you said they may transfer it to a local office.
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Hi cool_bandha,

   Very Sorry to hear that. This is very very upsetting & I can imagine your frustration. This just means that the officers were doing absolutely nothing when they kept our cases on hold - dont they have any pity or consideration at all?

  Most probably it may be for paystubs/emp letter...Keep your cool and everything will be fine soon. If it were not for the RFE your case would be approved by now. Hang in there...

Best wishes to you.
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Hi Cool Bandha,
                       Sorry to hear that, it is all the more frustrating when some people in the same boat as you go through and some have more difficulties. I know it is difficult, but keep courage because that\'s all you can do.
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Sorry to hear that. It is a sort of blessing. Now the hold being off,u should see approval as soon as the attorney replies to the RFE.

BTW Whats ur PD??
Did u ever get RFE before?? Was amended I-140 applied??