Company name change - filing I-140.

sp rao

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I have seen lot of IGATEers are filing pro-active I-140 and getting approved. Are there any body from other companies and waiting for Guidelines instead of filing Pro-Active I-140? I am from other company and I have not filed I-140. Can somebody guide me what to do? waiting for guidelines or filing pro-active I-140?

Sp rao
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I have not filed I-140 again.I am waiting for regulations .
I may file soon if nothing seems to be coming from INS hq.

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Guys I haven\'t filled I-140 ammendment and waiting for regulations since REDO costs lots of money and also useless if the regulations or guideline are in our favor.
Also keep in mind if we do REDO now it will go in regular process for I-140 approval which will HOLD UP OUR PROCESSING EVEN IF THE GUIDELINE IS FAVORABLE because of pending I-140.....

So hang on tight and pray for INS guideline

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We can always withdraw i-140 if the new regulations come up. I have already applied for i-140 proactive.
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Many pro*active I140 filed by IGATE have been approved fast. Probably pro*active are going through fast track instead of the regular process.
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Hanuman, That is not true. In fact when filing for re-do if the company does the correct thing by mentioning your I-485 A# in Part-3 of the application, It should normally be linked to your I-485 and will be treated as Expedite case and will not be in the normal I-140 queue ( which I believe is standstill). You are better off filing the I-140 redo ( costs $115) since the I-140 in most cases is approved within 4 weeks and then I-485 is quickly approved. Nowadays, VSC is sending the I-140 application to the same officer that is processing the I-485. Sometimes I-140 & I-485 are approved the same day! So, if AC21 comes out then the officer may ignore I-140 re-do. If it doesn\'t you would be covered by the Redo.

Talk to your attorneys guys, and decide on the best course of action. As far as IGATE people are cooncerned, we think it was better late than never since it is paying off. I wish IGATE had done this 1 year back.

Good luck everybody.

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1) I-140 filing fee is only 115 USD/case

2) amended will be approved in 2 month (all included) regular I-140
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exactly... sent petition to VSC on April 17, 2001 (EB3, non-RIR case) - got back approval notice on May 8, 2001
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I wish too... a lot of people were filed (amended I-140) last year - but at the same time - a lot were not... for some "unknown" reasons LD halted this process...
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I\'m sorry to say you are way off the mark, buddy - redo I-140 costs $115/=. Also, redo I-140 is not processed like a regular I-140 - I got mine approved in 8 business days. Lastly, as long as you have a company name change, VSC is going to put a hold on your application. The moment an amended I-140 is filed, it is linked to your I-485 application, and the hold is released. Your I-485 is approved as soon as I-140 is. Check my earlier postings on this forum, and you will see that I am one of those guys whose I-485 was approved after a redo I-140. The only other way to get an approval is to wait indefinitely for the AC21 regulations to come out. The only thing I agree with is that the AC21 regulations are going to be favorable to company name change cases - but in this economy I would rather have my GC than wait for the guidelines.

Also, more and more IGATE people are getting approvals - all because the company decided to file amended I-140 en masse. I don\'t think it is too late yet, and you can still expedite your I-485 approval by filing an amended I-140.
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I am filing pro-active I-140 too. My lawyer said they will link it to I-485 as soon as receipt is received.
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Sorry cool but that is not the case always SINCE THERE IS NO DIFFERANCE FROM INS PROSPECTIVE betn REDO and REGULAR I-140 and as regards the fees the lawyer charges $1200.00 for ammendment besides the $115.00 towards INS fees.
I am telling my experiance and understand your exp tooo.

I wish your logic is true and we all get GC soon....
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Joining your club ... dear friends!! My case is ON HOLD for company\'s name change. I just called INS Cust.Svc. He told me contact employer to file amended I-140. EB2/ND:7/00
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   Did IIO tell you to file Ammended I-140? Strange, usually they tell you to wait till guidelines comeout and filing I-140 won\'t help. That\'s what I was told when I called like one month ago. Did any body get same kind of info. from IIO? Please somebody comment on this

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Yes, SP. I can see a big smile on his (IIO) face while telling me to contact the employer to file an amended I-140. I did ask him for other options. But, I did not get any answer from him.
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Wow! Did your attorney want $1200.00 for I-140 amendment?! That\'s a ridiculously high amount to pay for filing a doc which will not take you more than a couple of hours to do it yourself. Just do it yourself.