Company Name change cases with hold released on Jun 19


Registered Users (C)
Any updates / recent conversations with IIO. We need some postings on this
thread. Its been a week since the hold has been released.

Just want to keep focus of this issue now with VSC looking at Aug 2000 cases while
there are still Aug/Sep 99 cases not adjucated.
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I have seen 9/99, also I think 10/99 cases with hold removed.
hopefully they will remove hold for cases filed after these date soon !
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People saying \'HOLD\'removed on 9/99 and 10/99 cases. But I haven\'t seen any approvals for these cases. I haven\'t filed I-140, i am waiting for approval with 10/99 ND.

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Hold removed on my case and is being \'reviewed\'. The IIO told me last week that it would take about two-months to approve my case.
My ND is 10/99.
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Hi All,

By now we should have started seeing a few approvals since in most cases documents may have been reviewed already. Its been almost a week now since the memo has been released - our case from what we know has also been assigned to the officer.

Anyone with any more updates please post and also if anyone from "HOLD" cases start getting approvals please share the info...

We need to keep this thread alive ...

Thanks & good luck to all...
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I have not received approval yet . AVM still plays old message that RFE response was received ...

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Hi All,
   Does anybody know what are they doing after releasing our cases from HOLD? If anybody knows the answers for the following question, please share.

    1. Before our cases were put on hold, did INS complete the reveiwing of our files? My case was under review for more than 4 months. If they had not completed the review before putting it on hold, what they were doing with our files?
    2. After the hold is removed, will the case be assigned to the same officer who was reviewing the case before it was put on hold?
    3. If the new officer is assigned, do you think he/she will start from ground zero?
    4. Since INS is currently processing Aug 2000 cases, do you think they try to push our cases without sending any RFE?
    5. What are the probabilty of issuing RFE at this stage?
    6. Since we saw one of our fellow sufferer, deejjaaa, case is transfered to local INS, do anticipate any of our cases also transferred to local INS?
    7. If they tranfer to local INS, will they tranfer outside their territory also?
          Say VSC transferring to San Jose loac center which falls under CSC.

    Too many questions!!!

    VSC is really testing our patience. I pray the GOD to give enough strength and peace of mind to all of us to withstand this mental agony.

   I am hoping to see some approvals starting from next week onwards. Hope it becomes true.

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Hi Mogoram,
Some answers for your questions

---When I last talked to an IIO I was told that most of my processing was completed
      and not much was remaing to be done ( that may be the reason I was told to wait
      2-3 weeks as opposed to 4-8 weeks). Even our case was reviewed by the officer
      for 5 months. So I do not think for cases which were reviewed for so long initially much needs to be done

----As far as local transfer goes I have yet to come across a 485 application
       which was transferred by VSC to a local office outside its jurisdiction like
      San Jose or Houston etc. I know that they have once in a while transferred
      some EAD applications to local offices (which sounds wierd )
       If anyone knows of VSC transferring 485 cases to outside its jurisdiction pl post here
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count me in....igate..
rd/nd sep 99
called IIO yesterday- said decision not yet made..pending with officer..asked her abtout I140.she said she is not aware of it ;-(
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Hi Shraddha,
   Thanks for your reply. These questions were linguring in my mind for long. I thought I will these questions and get some clarification from you rather than keeping it myself. I would like see others opinion also.
   I will wait for others to respond to these questions.

    Good Luck.
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Friends, I just spoke with IIO and confirmed that @#$%&! HOLD on my case has beeen lifted on June 19th and now "IT IS UNDER REIVEW" for what that I don\'t understand ?????
My ND is Sept 99,
Company acquired in Jan RFE for EMPL LTR
DID NOT FILED I-140 Ammendment

Hope this helps...............
Still waiting
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Am I the only one or does everbody else alse think that its only fair for VSC to process Aug/Sep 99 cases and adjucate them
before working on later dates. What do you folks think?
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May be its like 30 "working days"....u know what I mean....not 30 "days" and not 30 "business days"....its 30 "working days"!!..hope all the officers "work" in all "business days"!!
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:-( :-( :-(

Job markets down..
Share down...
INS AVM down..
No recipets for some 2 month old application..
Is end of the world near?
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yeah! u got that right. I totally agree with you...but u see they have to "show" some progress and we are the scape goats for that "show"
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Dont forget the fear of the ever looming layoffs in the background.
VSC\'s delay has caused us a lot of agony (Multiplied 10 times over for
name change cases)