Company Name Change August/Sep 99 Cases --- Post here

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Waiting PD-10/97;ND-10/99;
AVM says RFE has been Issued on 07/12
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RD 28 sep 99
ND 07 Oct 99
FP 14 Sep 00
RFE was mailed on 07/09/2001

Case was on hold due to company name change. Amended I140 was filed in May. I didn\'t get any receipt yet. AVM is still same This case will take 360 to 540 days.
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Hi sept96vsc .
Did IIO told you that your case is pending or under review?. When I contacted about 2 weeks back, I got the info as under review , but yesterday IIO told me it is pending.
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PD - 3/99
RD - 8/99
ND - 9/99
FP - 8/00

Company name change, no RFE, no ammended i-140.
Case still pending.
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Count me in

Pd 10/98
Rd 8/99
ND 9/99
FP 8/00
Amended i140 filed 5/01. No receipt yet.
No RFE so far.
7/12/01 - Per IIO case with an officee, 2-3 weeks for decision
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PD 10/97, RD 9/99, Redo I140 approvd on 7/12/2000
IIO response since Mar 01 is "this case is still pending and the file is where it should be for final processing."

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Count me too, Cat=EB3, PD=5/97, ND=9/99, I-140 amendement filed and waiting..........
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Hi Kusboo Prabhu,

When I called IIO on 6/21, I was told that my case was under review and it would take about 1.5 to 2 months to get a decision. On 7/12 I was told that it was pending and told to call back after 30 days, if I don\'t hear anything from them.
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PD 12/97
ND 09/99
RFE Rcvd back by INS 11/00 (Emp Letter)
AMD I-140 ND 05/11/01 (Due to Co. name change)

So far no news.
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Me too. PD 4/97 485 RD 8/99 ND 9/99 FP 8/00. No RFE. Proactive amended I140 filed 4/1 but not yet approved. Co: IGATE. IIO says case assigned and check back after 45 days.
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Why is it that INS is taking their sweet time to process these cases and yet we continue to see approvals for 2000 NDs?

You would think the INS would process these cases as AGED cases and consider them as a priority.

Any comments?
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    VSC is making things more misarble on some of these AGED/Co-name change cases. A friend of mine has the PD=8/96, ND=9/99,Present employer filed I-140 amendment after getting RFE back in Jan/Feb,2001. No I-140 approval yet and last week he came to know that his case is transferred to local INS office. It scares me to even think about this scenario. We are hoping that all AGED cases will be considered as high priority ones and expecting approvals soon. Who knows what VSC is going to do? God help us all.
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Still waiting........................................................
Company Name Change Case(140&485 with different names)
EB2 India
RD 9/99
ND 10/99
FP 03/01
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After posting my previous message, I checked the AVM and got the news I have been waiting for for the last 4 years that my case has been approved. I still can not believe what I heard, I hope AVM is not screwed up or something like that. As per AVM it was approved on 07/16.

I hope and pray that all company name change cases will get cleared soon, as I feel the pain of waiting, waiting and waiting all these years.