Company hired lawyer refused giving me a copy of I-140 approve notice

Linda Zou

Registered Users (C)

My company hired lawyer refused giving me a copy of I-140 approve notice when I send her a email. She told me the I-140 approve notice is the property of my company and I can\'t get even a fax copy! Do you think the lawyer\'s answer is legal?

By the way, this lawyer asked me download all 485 forms from INS site by myself and filled them by handwriting then she just mailed them to INS. I am so surprised! She even doesn\'t want typing a single words! I thought those forms were just the draft but she had sent them to INS at the beginning of the month.

My question is that does INS accept handwriting forms?

Thank you for any input.
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You are getting ripped off big time. My lawyer did all the 485 paperwork (typed) and I also got original courtesy copies of 140 directly from INS. I suggest you change lawyers asap before you get screwed further.
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Your lawyer is really giving you a ahrd time. Try Changing your lawyer however make sure that your case does not gets screwed up in result.
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Thank you for your reply. Actually I tired persuading my company to use my trusted lawyer when the company started my GC process but the HR lady told me that all GC cases should be handled by company hired lawyers. I can\'t image my company hired this kind of lawyer! If I find another lawyer by myself, I believe the company hired lawyer will refuse to give my lawyer any information about my case.

I am so sad but I even can\'t complain.
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Linda Zou,

Please try live with that, That is very normal case for large company.

The ture is "if you want get your green card, try working with the company lawyer" Or you can quit and find another job.

Here is the suggestion :
1. Talk with your boss, try explan to him(her). Usually, your boss is stand with your side.
2. Let your boss call the HR and the lawyer. Asking the lawyer " if We need do everything by ourself, why we need hire you ? " ....
3. Hire your own lawyer may be not a good ideal. Breaken the relation with company lawyer will not help you.
4. After you file the I-485, INS will mail some letter direct to your home ( like FP notice).
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Thank you for your suggestions. I believe some HR persons in my company have close relationship with this law firm. If I had complained the lawyer loudly, I would be in trouble. The only thing that I can do is praying INS to accept my handwriting forms.
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Linda Zou,
Do not giveing up!
Asking your boss call the HR and lawyer, he should be able to help you. (let the lawyer doing their job)

I start the GC at 1997 July.
My company have few people start working with my company at the same time as me. They still not get their LC approved yet. And I already get my FP done ! The different is, I have good relationship with my boss and I know what I want (the GC).



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Why can\'t you type yourself? Even if you are not good at typing,
it would take at most a whole weekend to finish. You need to
download a lot of forms though and get ready for such case,
you mispells at the last item so that you have to start
all over again:) But such pain is nothing compared with teh whole
process anyway
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My attorney did the same thing to me but it is little bit different. When the priority dates current i.e. before 03/31/00, my attorney forwarded I485 forms to me on March 27 and i completed the paper work with my hand on March 28 and applied to it. INS received them on March 29 but my RD is 05/02/00. I am now just worrying whether the INS will approve my case or not because on 05/02/00 my priority date was not current.

PD: 07/99
FP:12/ 12/00
Waiting for approval.
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I entered all the I 485 information before my lawyer typed in and send to INS. Even though it is lenthy process, it is not difficult. Be little careful while filling up and everything will be ok. How about using some software if available ( spending some 50 to 100 dollars is really worth) in market? I think it is better idea to negotiate with your lawyer and apply for I 485? Once you apply I 485, you will receive EAD, AP and Finger print notices to your Address? Life will be pretty cool, once you apply I 485.

Hope this helps...

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One thing you absolutely shouldn\'t worry about is hand-written forms. It is perfectly OK with the INS.

Good luck.