Company doesn\'t allow CP, what should I do?


Registered Users (C)
I am working for a super-large Company. I just know that it
doesn\'t allow CP, what should I do? Is CP not allowed for all
large companies?
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You don\'t need to get premission, you can file for CP for your self.
CP or AOS is your responsibility. Only for CP:
* You need employment verification letter, without it don\'t start CP. It can be upto 6 months old but it better be fresh.

* You need to travel and take time off. Number of days depend on consulate. Actual interview date can be known as little as 3 weeks before time.

while filling for I-140 check for CP and then thats it

Only thing reqd is notarised employment letter and time off

Rest your lawyer can fill up

GO for CP.
dont go for CP

if you are not sure that you will get the notarized employment letter from your employer.

This is a very important document...if you are not sure of getting it..then do 485 (AOS) and then avail of the 180 day rule and leave your employer.

But, if you can get a notarized employment letter, then CP is a very simple process and it should be your choice.
Why don\'t they allow CP?

Opinions are like a--holes, everyone has one. Me too! And here is my two cents worth:

If it is a large company, chances are that it is supported by a large law firm. So, it is really the law firm that is advising your company\'s HR. While it is unusual that a firm would completely rule out consular processing, most law firms prefer Adjustment of Status to Consular Processing due to the following reasons:

- perceived risk is higher for CP
- law firm has less control over the process
- fewer options in the case of a denial

To avoid all the hassles, firms simply "choose" AOS. I suggest that you first find out why they want you to go for AOS. Perhaps there is some issue in your case that may create risk for CP.

If you haven\'t already, check out and for more information on CP, AOS, relative risks, etc. Once you are armed with all the information, talk to your company and see if you can negotiate.

If they insist on a "firm-wide" policy of AOS, don\'t push it. Even if you decide to pursue your case independently, you will need some assistance from your company in the regular process, and more if there are any "RFE"s. You want your employer to be on your side, something that cannot be taken for granted when you are going against their "wishes".

in-waiting: Well written :) I agree with what you say. sxh: Don\'t mess with your company rules
