Comp. Change July RFEs

EB3 0598PD 1199ND

Registered Users (C)
Looks like there are a lot of RFEs being generated in July. Can we post our details, so that we can form a pattern, sadistic people at VSC wont help you even to figure out how much time it takes at each step.

Generated Received Replied VSC Update Approved(last but not least )

Let me start
7/23 ---- ----- -------
No Title

reference or evidence needed: July 23rd, haven\'t got it yet
pd: 10/96
rd: 08/09/00
nd: 08/29/00
eb3, china
No Title

How did you know about it? IIO? Did they say what it is for?
We all have to keep an eye on when each other is getting and when they accept etc
00-272-xxxxx ND=SEPT. RFE according to conversation w/ IIO.

Generated Received Replied VSC Update Approved(last but not least )
  7/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------
AVM has not changed at all.