Coming to bench on Sep30....


Registered Users (C)
My project is over and coming to bench on Sep 30. My RD is Dec 17 and My EAD expires on Jan 10th.

Now my dilemma is whether I should start looking for a new job or wait until my current employer layoff me. Suppose if I get offer from some other company then do I need to have Labor Approval notice, I140 approval copy and other originals with me to not to have problems with any future RFEs?

Please advise me with your experiences.
do you need all the papers it is also a question for me?

do you need all the papers it is also a question for me?
Don't Panic

1. Apply renewal EAD ASAP.
2. Apply for leave and go for a long vacation, to avoid the layoff possibility.
3. If you know for sure, you will be layed off, apply for unpaid leave as well and let your company know that you will be willing to cut short your vacation if something comes up....
Good Luck

Thanks for your suggestions.

My employer is holding my labor and I-140 papers. My question is do I need to have these original papers at any moment of time here after?

Thanks again.