CNN-Moneyline Story


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There was a blatant attack on the H1B program on CNN: Lou Dobbs' Moneyline!
I was completely taken aback by the implication that we, the H1B visa holders, are taking away jobs from Americans! After all that we and our employers have to go through to get an H1B visa, this is extremely disturbing. To think a mainstream news channel like CNN aired this show is also very disturbing.
Read the transcript:

I would recommend that you send this to everyone you know (including fair-minded American citizens) and write to the editors of CNN to present a more balanced and accurate programming in future!

Thanks for your attention,

I am surprised that you are shocked to hear this

I am surprised that you are shocked to hear this... I would expect them to be even more critical. Since all other means of improving the economy have failed, the attention was bound to turn to the immigrant. I am surprised it took this long.

Balanced reporting from CNN??!!??

Not in this lifetime :(
what's not true about this? You are only thinking from your own point of view. Think from their point of view, and it will all make sense. We are lucky to be here but remember we were here to fill a shortage, there is no shortage now!
krishna_ps - Attempts of backdoor phone communication?

Thats the only published number. The only way to establish direct communication is using the 15 century mail technology. BCIS does not believe in email or phone based customer service anymore. Heck, they dont believe in customer service - period!

Good luck on your search.

Why do some people post questions in threads which are totally irrelevant to the main context of the thread? Why? Why? Why?

Unlike you, I am filling an acute shortage in drug discovery! Besides, this IS the land of immigrants.

Originally posted by savant123456
what's not true about this? You are only thinking from your own point of view. Think from their point of view, and it will all make sense. We are lucky to be here but remember we were here to fill a shortage, there is no shortage now!
I did not question the fact that this is the land of immigrants. But what we have to realize is that such events are very normal in times of a downturn in the economic progress of a nation.

Heck being an Indian I can say that we Indians are probabaly more intolerant than Americans as far as defending our jobs are concerned. In the north of India there is a feeling that south Indians are taking their jobs and seats in professional colleges and in the south India a similar feeling exists. This seems so wierd to us when we sit in the US considering that all of them are still part of the same country.

You may be filling in a shortage, but most H1B's are employed not because their employers cannot find suitable American workers but because H1B's are exploitable. Less salary and more hours of work. I have personally seen that a lot of my friends were laid off as soon as they got their green cards cause then they became at par with an american worker and refused to work longer hours.

In any system there is good and there is bad. Somehow people always find ways to exploit the system. Dont get me wrong, I am all for my bretherns to prosper in this country and most of us do. But lets take these reports such as on CNN money with a pinch of salt. Lets realize that just as there are many valid H1B positions there are many which are there for a wrong reason and people who have been bit by those will complain!!