Closed thread?

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Maybe Mr. Prae complained to the moderator that he was been torched alive by other members for committing a carnal sin of being a hypocrite...:D I was trying to post in the thread, but for some reason, it it closed...

It seems as if Mr. Prae is going to be away for some time, to lick his wounds and recover from being torn to shred by other members.:rolleyes: I warned him to take it slow on the OP, because it is possible that his sponsor backed out...:eek: I was under the impression that his sponsor was a corporation, but it appears as if it was a person who has lots $$$ to help, but decided otherwise...if it is true...:confused:

Mr seems as if you were caught in your web of misinformation to the chagrin of other members... :p
They are going to have to close alot of threads.Because he is not going to change his ways,and now that people are aware of the skeletons he has in his closet,everytime he speaks out rudely and harshly at anyone who is just seeking help here,he is going to recieve that backlash all over again.Sad.
I guess TORCHING EVERY new poster here is easier to do than getting TORCHED himself.

What a weak man. He always attacks innocent people, and when attacked GOES crying to the Moderators.

Anyway this is a great forum, and sadly people like Mr P are making it their own property and scaring people who have legitimate questions, and making them go away.
Quite an interesting read, y'alls earlier discussion, and I'm glad to have stayed out of it. Thanks for the honorable mention, constructus. I'm not sure I really deserve it, because these days I find that, the more I know about immigration, the more I don't know!

Anyway, since it will undoubtely increase my popularity, I'd like to out myself by saying my then girlfriend and I started making serious plans to get married about a year BEFORE I obtained my most recent nonimmigrant visa. Heck I even used the visa to re-enter the country after we got married and after we applied for my GC. :cool: ;)
Quite an interesting read, y'alls earlier discussion, and I'm glad to have stayed out of it. Thanks for the honorable mention, constructus. I'm not sure I really deserve it, because these days I find that, the more I know about immigration, the more I don't know!

Anyway, since it will undoubtely increase my popularity, I'd like to out myself by saying my then girlfriend and I started making serious plans to get married about a year BEFORE I obtained my most recent nonimmigrant visa. Heck I even used the visa to re-enter the country after we got married and after we applied for my GC. :cool: ;)

You speak words of Wisdom and Humbleness, YOU FRAUD... HA HA HA (just joking).

Its not a crime not to know everything.

The thing here is people don't like to be ridiculed, even though it is on the internet some people take it bad and some are outright "scared" to be mocked.

Even I who am very outspoken and will not back out of a confrontation (on the web or in person) had thought about taking another screen name once to ask a simple question, because I was "afraid" (LOL relatively speaking) to be mocked by someone because I wasn't sure about something.

It isn't right. People should be allowed to ask whatever they want whether or not it has been asked before without being attacked. All you have to do is to either Ignore or advise. Personal attacks and assumptions are not necessary, especially when 5 minutes later the ATTACKER takes the role of the VICTIM.
This is not fear, I've seen him go at people over and over again and never once did they close a thread. I guess he has more play than we thought one of his moderator friends came to his rescue
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Sure blame me now for closing the thread too :) you all are so funny. I am hope you enjoyed your self-made up theories about my fraud...

Either way, no wounds to lick. You know what they say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words (specially idiotic ones) will never hurt me".
Sure blame me now for closing the thread too :) you all are so funny. I am hope you enjoyed your self-made up theories about my fraud...

Either way, no wounds to lick. You know what they say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words (specially idiotic ones) will never hurt me".

This from someone who on a thread today called another user a little child.

Mr P, really you need to let it go. Get yourself forgotten for a couple of days. Enjoy your FRAUDULENT GAIN of immigration benefit.

Come back in a couple of days and do your best to stop attacking people and all this will go away. Lay low for a little.

HA HA HA... The ADULT SAID: "Sticks and Stones...."

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone have a copy of the deleted post they can send to me? Oh My Gosh, I am SO nosey hehe
Alright, maybe we need to come up with some forum guidelines as to when it is appropriate to poke holes into someone's case when they didn't ask for it?

I think while we agree we shouldn't scare/offend others, it can be useful to poke holes into someone's case if it can make the case stronger. Let's say there is a potential flaw in a case that the person is unaware can cause a problem, should we not inform them about it, even if we're unsure the flaw really exists in the particular case? If the flaw we're pointing out doesn't hold, while the person might be offended, at least it means their case can hold up to the test.

I sometimes give unasked advice or point out unconsidered potential problems with a case too. Sometimes, what someone "asks for" is not exactly the same as what they "need to know."

Usually, they will not give us information about problems that could exist that they are unaware of, so we have to go by our own intuition as to what all to consider in our answer. But at what point do we cross the line?
Aus,I respect what you are saying.But I believe that everyone or mostly everyone who posts on here are mature adults,at least by age anyway...That being said, poking holes and giving extra advice that wasn't really asked for,is not what caused this and many other outbursts of anger and all this venting of frustration.What caused this was one man's refusal to stop blatantly disrespecting and and accusing other members of criminal behaviour based on his frivolous assumptions.Especially new members,the most vulnerable of all of us.

We all know the ones that are coming here in an attempt to be fraudulent.Remember that guy I cant remember his screen name,but in his first post he said,I got married "on paper"?And then he blamed everyone's interpretations of his fake marriage on his bad english,yet when he was responding to the attacks,he used his words without error,perfect grammar.By all means chew that person up...But don't attack someone based on silly assumptions.

Especially when your past actions are a little shady, Mr. you know who you are.Uh hum uh hum
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Aus,I respect what you are saying.But I believe that everyone or mostly everyone who posts on here are mature adults,at least by age anyway...That being said, poking holes and giving extra advice that wasn't really asked for,is not what caused this and many other outbursts of anger and all this venting of frustration.What caused this was one man's refusal to stop blatantly disrespecting and and accusing other members of criminal behaviour based on his assumptions.Especially new members,the most vulnerable of all of us.

We all know the ones that are coming here in an attempt to be fraudulent.Remember that guy I cant remember his screen name,but in his first post he said,I got married "on paper"?And then he blamed everyone's interpretations of his fake marriage on his bad english,yet when he was responding to the attacks,he used his words without error,perfect grammar.By all means chew that person up...But don't attack someone based on silly assumptions.

Especially when your past actions are a little shady, Mr. you know who you are.Uh hum uh hum

It's funny I was writing the very exact thing and giving the example you stated about the guy who said he " married on paper" and who was already asking when he "could dump" his girlfriend, then I chose not to post, and I saw your post.

I agree totally. Obvious fraud like that should be denounced. But do not attack based on assumptions. You can tell the OP about what the risks are and what he faces. And what YOU/WE would do if in his situation. But there is no reason to get all boiled up because you ASSUME that, someone you do not know, who's successes or failures in life do not affect you, is lying about his relationship.

Isn't that a form of racism? What would Mr P, who comes from Venezuela (I beleive) who may have a little darker skin, think if he walked down the street and some white Americans assumed that he MUST be an illegal immigrant only based on the color of his skin and/or accent?

Do not do to others what you do not want be done to yourself. Judge with FACTS, not assumptions...

But does anybody get the irony I noted though: All I have been hearing Mr P say about getting a Tourist Visa and then getting married here is that it was a Cardinal Sin. All the advice I heard was never to do that, it would be abusing the system. That people have to leave the country and apply through CP, and this, and that... AND TODAY I LEARN THAT THE PERSON WHO ALWAYS SEEMS SO UPSET WITH PEOPLE WHO DO THAT, himself did that...

Hypocrisy pushed to a level never before seen...
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