class action lawsuit against BCIS delay

What gives you the impression that BCIS will stop processing cases because a lawsuit is filed against it?

It does not seem as if they stopped processing asylum cases because of the lawsuit; quite the contrary in fact.
Originally posted by Sankrityayan
What gives you the impression that BCIS will stop processing cases because a lawsuit is filed against it?

It does not seem as if they stopped processing asylum cases because of the lawsuit; quite the contrary in fact.

Kjkool is just kidding.

Based on actual Employment based Immigration numbers for last three years, we can't sue BCIS.
But obviously for 2003 it will be very less. So we have some some chance after they publish this annual report.

For actual immigration numbers check my post for similar discussion at VSC forum:
"Based on actual Employment based Immigration numbers for last three years, we can't sue BCIS. But obviously for 2003 it will be very less. So we have some some chance after they publish this annual report."

The rate at which cases are processed may or may not be a good basis for legal action. However, it appears to me that the differences between the various centers in terms of processing times and procedures employed will not be glossed over by the judiciary.

In any case, a lawsuit is but a last recourse. In my opinion, what is really important is for the immigrant community to learn more about their rights and stop being apologetic about it. If we are able to just shed our timidity and come across as being more assertive and knowledgeable in our interaction with our lawyers, INS, and Congress, that in itself will make these bodies more sensitive and ultimately responsive.

As a matter of tactics and strategy, it is never very useful to rule out the lawsuit option. Many times the mere mention of a lawsuit gets you attention, because the parties involved know very well that lawsuits are inherently unpredictable and may upset the gravytrain that they have come to depend on. They realize that there is a great deal of exploitation built into this incestuous system, and the public spotlight that results from a lawsuit can only show them in poor light.