Citizenship & Passport: Experts please advice me


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My self and wife finished and passed citizenship interview. My wife became the US citizen on March 20th. I had applied for name change and I am still waiting for the oath ceremony at Alexandria, VA

I just have few questions for applying for the US passport for my wife.

1) Can I write my new name in her passport application and getting Indian Visa?

Does this create problem in future?

Suggestions please

Can she wait


If she gets her documents "before" your name change takes effect "officially",
it may create problems.(I am not saying it will surely). because until you take "oath" your name is not "officially" changed.

Other experts on the board will give you more sound advice.

If I were you I would wait filing for wife's passport till oath is completed and name change is official.(That is if you can afford to wait till that time).

She can use your CURRENT name as it is and get the passport. It will not show up anywhere in the passport but will stay in their system. But once its is time for renewal (after 10 years or so), or when she has to deal with the passport agency next time, use the new name, if the name change is in effect by then. She will have to to send in the 'name change certificate' or something to prove a valid name change, and there shouldn't be any problems.