Citizenship Interviewed but Name Check is still pending

Dorothy Yan

Registered Users (C)
Hello there,

I passed the citizenshp interview on Oct 20th, 2004, but I was told that the FBI name check was still pending. Denver immigration office told me that once FBI sends them the notice saying my name check is completed, they would inform me to take oath. My name check started on July 31, 2004, and it has been 6 months, the name check is still pending now. Has anybody encountered this similar case as me? I want to hear some suggestions and opinions. Thanks!
Hi. I had my citizenship interview in January 2004 in Atlanta. They told me the same thing - need to wait for namecheck clearance. Haven't heard from them since then. I spoke with Atlanta office director, with the lawyer, senator and congressman - the answer is the same without FBI clearance they can't proceed and nothing can be done. I have no idea what to do. Any advice?
Zourab said:
Hi. I had my citizenship interview in January 2004 in Atlanta. They told me the same thing - need to wait for namecheck clearance. Haven't heard from them since then. I spoke with Atlanta office director, with the lawyer, senator and congressman - the answer is the same without FBI clearance they can't proceed and nothing can be done. I have no idea what to do. Any advice?

It is been a year since your interview. This is way too long for name check. If you have already contacted you senator and congressman, I will go to cis website and schedule an info pass appointment and go in to see what is going on. Usualy by just making info pass, they know you are coming and most like it you will receive you oak letter. May be your file is under some desks and they forgot about you.
Hope this help
Get real!

"It is been a year since your interview. This is way too long for name check."
There are people on this forum who had waited for more then 20 months only for name checks.
I have been to Atlanta INS office through Infopass several times - that's how I met the office director. It's useless. Nothing happens.
The USCIS is probably telling you the truth – they are waiting for the name check results.
Have you contacted FBI?
What part of the world are you from originally?
I haven't contacted FBI - they told me it was not possible. I am from St-Petersburg, Russia.
what you can do


file an FOIPA with FBI to know if you have anything unusual going on with your name check. is a simple process, see Rahul's sticky thread on how to do this. Its free and you can know if FBI has anything against you in their records. I believe a favourable response from them would be "no records" against your name(s).

Don't know what an unfavorable response from them looks like.

How that will help your citizenship process with USCIS directly is moot, but I guess you can take the FOIPA if favorable to your local congressman and ask him to push USCIS to expedite.

Yes, thanks - I read Raul's portings and did just that. In the Congressmen's office they also told me that they can do it themselves - so they will inquire as well. We'll see what happens.
Dorothy Yan said:
Hello there,

I passed the citizenshp interview on Oct 20th, 2004, but I was told that the FBI name check was still pending. Denver immigration office told me that once FBI sends them the notice saying my name check is completed, they would inform me to take oath. My name check started on July 31, 2004, and it has been 6 months, the name check is still pending now. Has anybody encountered this similar case as me? I want to hear some suggestions and opinions. Thanks!

Isn't because you have a common asian name?? Have you talked to or inquired from the FBI??

Did they give you the same form as they gave us @ denver explaining the name check process????
Common Asian names like Kumar,Lee,Nguyen can stall the namecheck process. The computer generates too many hits and then an analyst has to intervene and clear the name. There are 9 analysts working in the NNCP currently to oversee the millions of names are run thru the FBI Indices that are submitted every year
I read Rahul's thread that is pretty helpful. I called FBI and they said they don't accept fax any more, and asked me to send the email to them, then I did that. I just faxed FOIPA form. Just wonder if this will have any bad affect on me? I probably should wait for the FBI reply first before contacting the congressman. I am an Chinese girl, and my name is not super common. I don't know if FBI pays special attention to particular nationality such as Chinese, Russian...? Please let me know if you think I should do anything else that might be helpful. Thanks for everybody's reply to this thread!!
Also, I went to Denver immigration office again today. They told me some name check may take 2 years and the only thing I can do is waiting, which really made me feel very upset. Has anybody had the experieces to ask the local immigration office to request FBI to expedite name check successfully?
Denver USCIS Office

I had my interview done in 22nd of August 2004. They referred my name to fbi for name check. I went to USICS twice through infopass and they had no update. I contacted FBI using FOIPA and it came out negative. I showed the letter to the useless USCIS officer and she said it is not the same thing they look for.

Asked them to see if they can send in second request since FBI might have lost the paperwork. She said she will not.

I contacted the Local congressman's office, yet to hear back what they can do for me.

Which email address is used for finding out whether the FBI even received the request?