Citizenship Interview Experience at Louisville, Kentucky


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After debating if I should carry all that documents mentioned in all those posts here, I decided I will not walk into the Interview looking like a lawyer with a stack of documents. Instead I compromised and left all the documents in my car, placed the Green card in my wallet, the passport in my shirt pocket and the Letter in my hand. The only other document I carried was a speeding ticket of $50.

A lady officer came out exactly the interview time mentioned in the letter and called my name, then showed me into her room. She made me stand and take the oath.

I told her I got lost finding the way and just arrived 10 minutes ago. I asked her what would have happened if I was late and to that she replied, we would try our best to accomodate you depending on our availablity.

She asked "Are you still employed with this employer" and I answered yes.
Then confirmed my address, asked for my birthdate, asked for my SSN. asked for country of birth.

Went through all the entries in my application and verified them. Gave me back my green card and asked for my passport. She scrolled through all the pages and matching all the dates on my trips overseas. She couldn't find some dates and I told her my country no longer stamps on the passport as it has been computerized. She said she understands and then halfway she said, I think thats good enough.

Made me sign on the 2 photographs in ink.

She then confirmed my name change. I asked her the implications of the name change and she said since I was just breaking up my name into first and middle, I didn't need to inform anyone of the name change and the implications are minimal.

Asked me the following Civic questions:

1) What are the colors of our flag ?
2) Who is the President of the US today ?
3) Who becomes President if both the President and Vice President die ?
4) Who was martin Luther King Jr ?
5) How many Supreme Court Justices are there ?
6) Who was President during the Civil War ?
7) Name the amendments that guarantee or address voting rights ?
8) In what year was the Constitution written ?
9) Name one benefit of being a citizen ?
Don't remember one more question but I remember answering "Congress".

In all the questions I intentionaly paused for 2 seconds before giving the answer and she almost thought I didn't know the answer. She said I got 100 % correct and said "I see you have studied unlike others who come in here and give excuses".

Then made me write a sentence in English "They went to the grocery store"
Made me read out a sentence.

Then asked me another bunch of questions. I showed her my speeding fine and she said it is not needed if I wasn't arrested.

She did not ask for any other documents. I assume it wasn't needed in my case.

Gave me a form saying I have been recomended for approval and that I will recieve a letter for the Oath Ceremony. Since I waited 5 years to get to this point, I felt it was meaningless to ask her when the Oath Ceremony would likely be. The interview was over after 30 minutes.

In my opinion the most important aspect of this process is to ensure absalutely no mistake in the application form. Ensure all questions are answered in good faith to avoid descrepencies and learn the Civic questions 100 %.
Can you please let me know when you applied for your citizenship and how long it took to get the Citizenship and your US

Feb 15th 2007 : Received Date
Mar 19th 2007 : Finger Print
May 16th 2007 : Notice Date
Jul 17th 2007 : Interview

Approx 5 months.