citizenship for AR-11 filing


Registered Users (C)

Thanks to all of you ahead of time.

I am a Green card holder (LPR). I have been one since April 9 th 2002.

Got LPR onf 04/2002 stayed at 2606 apartment number.
INS has the 2606 address with them I guess. I checked the letter from
INS advising me of the approval of application. It does not say
anything about address change notification.

Changed in 08/2003 to 2808 building same apartment complex.
Did not know of AR-11 so did not notify INS of the address change.
(Shoot me I am an idiot)

Changed on 08/2005 to 1732 which is a house.
Did not know of AR-11 so did not notify INS of the address change.
(Shoot me I am an idiot)

I was not aware of address change AR-11 till 04/03/2006.

As soon as I came to know yest, I sent my AR-11 on FEDEX PRIORITY
OVERNIGHT. It reached the London KY address on 04/04/2006

My current address listed on filed AR-11 is 1732. Prev address is

I am planning to apply for citizenship in 01/2007 so I am preparing for

Am in I trouble where the citizen application can be denied only
because of failure to file AR-11. My intent is not to LIE to INS or
anyone for that matter.

I UNDERSTAND IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NOT A DEFENSE. Is there anything I can do to rectify the situation at all ?

Is it a good idea to send the 2606 to 2808 change of address which occured in 2003 or just not send about it at all.

I was genuinely ignorant and as soon as I became aware I have done
everything to correct the issue.

Warm Regards,

Just make sure that your current address has been reported ... it could always be that your earlier form(s) got lost in the mail unless you send them registered (which is not required). Anyway, I can tell you from experience that it won't be an issue.
And of course list all your prior addresses on the n400 form, just as it is required. You'll be fine

savithari said:
I UNDERSTAND IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NOT A DEFENSE. Is there anything I can do to rectify the situation at all ?

Is it a good idea to send the 2606 to 2808 change of address which occured in 2003 or just not send about it at all.

I was genuinely ignorant and as soon as I became aware I have done
everything to correct the issue.

Warm Regards,


Make sure they have your last address when you apply for Naturalization.

And since previously you weren't "smart enough" to send the AR-11 Certified Mail and it got lost in the happens, is not your fault ;)

Anyway, at the question on N-400 "where did you live for the past 5 years" just list truthfully all the addresses and...don't loose sleep over this issue
savithari said:

Thanks to all of you ahead of time.

I am a Green card holder (LPR). I have been one since April 9 th 2002.

Got LPR onf 04/2002 stayed at 2606 apartment number.
INS has the 2606 address with them I guess. I checked the letter from
INS advising me of the approval of application. It does not say
anything about address change notification.

Changed in 08/2003 to 2808 building same apartment complex.
Did not know of AR-11 so did not notify INS of the address change.
(Shoot me I am an idiot)

Changed on 08/2005 to 1732 which is a house.
Did not know of AR-11 so did not notify INS of the address change.
(Shoot me I am an idiot)

I was not aware of address change AR-11 till 04/03/2006.

As soon as I came to know yest, I sent my AR-11 on FEDEX PRIORITY
OVERNIGHT. It reached the London KY address on 04/04/2006

My current address listed on filed AR-11 is 1732. Prev address is

I am planning to apply for citizenship in 01/2007 so I am preparing for

Am in I trouble where the citizen application can be denied only
because of failure to file AR-11. My intent is not to LIE to INS or
anyone for that matter.

I UNDERSTAND IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NOT A DEFENSE. Is there anything I can do to rectify the situation at all ?

Is it a good idea to send the 2606 to 2808 change of address which occured in 2003 or just not send about it at all.

I was genuinely ignorant and as soon as I became aware I have done
everything to correct the issue.

Warm Regards,

Take it easy due. There are thousands (may be millions) out there that aren't aware of AR-11 form. I have not heard of a single instance where somebody got into trouble because of failure to file AR-11 when the address changed. I, myself did not file on 2 occassions and on the third move, somebody mentioned to me about AR-11 and I filed about 4 months after the actual move. I have gone thru the naturalization process after that and did not face any problem. I don't think they would dig your case to see if you filed AR-11 for every address change you have undergone. Don't try to see minute things in a magnifying glass and loose your sleep and peace of mind.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Not every single piece of laws is implemented to its letter. The fact that the alarminglist can generate only one piece of "news" from 2002 tells you about the "risk" you are taking.

Sleep tight and don't get scared.

that link may cause sleepless night for the OP - although in all perspective the AR-11 problem in that case was just a way to get 'something' on a guy whom the government wanted to get rid off (West Bank.. suspected terrorist and so on) ... I guess technically this is a more or less serious violation but when you call the immigration and check if earlier AR-11 have been registered or received by the USCIS you won't get an answer from the specific departments. My wife called there some months ago to check if our unregistered mailings in the past arrived. So, we had no way to confirm if the USCIS knew about all our address changes ... and it would always be possible that some mail gets lost.
I hope the OP will understand that the given 'deportation link' was posted, I think, to demonstrate that an AR-11 violation is not guaranteed to be no problem - but for the purpose of 'real life risk assessment' this not an issue when apply for your citizenship ...

(Same I guess you could get deported if you forget to mention a parking ticket you received years ago .... but the USCIS are not some evil demons who try to stick it to otherwise 'ordinary people')

OP, try to call the 'AR-11 phone number' .. I think it is on the form or the USCIS website. Try to 'confirm' if they received earlier mailings since you did not send them FedEx like you did most recently.

mpotturi said:
There are always exceptions..

it is moronic to stick to the exceptions and fail to understand the human element of law enforcement.

Of coures, it takes a little bit of intelligence to comprehend that.
Not filing AR-11 sometimes can be very dangerous!
I know a case of a guy who failed to file his AR-11 and now is facing the death penalty :eek: He is in the news these days, his name is Zacarias Moussaoui
:D :D :D
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Ok, now we officially must haved freaked Savithari out :rolleyes: Probably he/she sees his/her next AR-11 filled out for Guantanamo Bay. Savithari, I believe you got the picture ... and more black houmor than you asked for.

AlexanderG said:
Ok, now we officially must haved freaked Savithari out :rolleyes: Probably he/she sees his/her next AR-11 filled out for Guantanamo Bay. Savithari, I believe you got the picture ... and more black houmor than you asked for.


Speaking of Black humor:

Not to be afraid, these days they don't hang people nor they use the electric chair.

They use lethal injection which is less painful
JoeF said:
Who is "we"???

everyone except you?

JoeF said:
You said you don't know of anybody getting into trouble because of an AR-11. I provided a link, so know you know...

you said that you were not rude and we provided many examples in that very thread to prove otherwise. and you continue to be rude and demeaning to other forum members.

JoeF said:
Nearby here, in San Diego, somebody got into trouble for not filing an AR-11

Here, someone choked on death drinking water. Does that mean should stop drinking water as well?

Dude, get out a dictionary and look under the word "exception"!
If I forgot to change my address in 2002, should I changed it now before applying for citizenship?
Sure, why not. The law says you must inform them.

When I had completed my N-400, but before I sent it in, I found out about the AR-11 requirement. I had moved 6 years earlier.

I had a lawyer review our N-400s and I asked her. She said that I could fill in an AR-11, but it didn't really matter too much. By submitting the N-400 with the right address, we were satifying the statutary requirements to report our address. Since we already had the N-400 ready to go she said not to bother.

The important thing is to be completely honest. If they ask "why didn't you file an AR-11" don't lie, just say "I didn't know about it until I started the N-400 process".
AR-11 notification can be done online now:

I have never heard of AR-11 becoming an issue during interview. I think the heavy penalties in failing to notify of change of address come when one has done it willingly. So, what Flydog says should be right answer. I didn't know about it until x time, and then I sent my AR-11 or did it online.