Citizenship Congressman intervention


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Has anyone had this experience?
This is for my husband's case. Its over 6 months (Nov 6 Interview) since he attended the interview. He has passed the test, but they are "waiting for some approval"
On a friend's suggestion, I wrote to my Congressman (Idaho)
His time line
Application June 4 2003
Finger printing Aug
Interview Nov 6

They were very prompt. An immigration case specialist from the Congressman's local office called and promised to forward my e-mail to INS requesting immediate action.
He was not very sure though how they would speed things up unless..............
there have just forgotten about my husband's file.
He said even if the name remotely matched any name that they were suspicious about then they would go ahead and recommend a thorough search, and that according to him could take very long.

I am hoping for the best
Welcome to the world of name check waiters! Its true that if ur name is an IP match, it takes about a year to resolve (all due to the backlogging).

You are on the right path
Maybe I overshot

I actually wrote mt State senator who represents our state in Washington and happens to be on the immigration committe (dont remember what its called exactly). I got absolutely no answer.
What level congressman would be in a position to help, district congressman representing your district or state congressman representing your state?
I am in NJ.
You did not overshoot. Mere writing is not going to help. Call , visit , followup. He/She is there to help you, and your case deserves help
I wrote to one of the two Congressmen that represent Idaho in the US congress. There are only two for Idaho.
The first one responded to my e-mail within 4 days with a nice letter aplogizing about not being able to help becoz we belong to the 1st Congressional district etc, and promised that he would be forwarding my e-mail to the appropriate one as a "Congressional courtesy" he said.
All this happened around 26th April.
Since I did not hear anything from the Congressman of my district I called Boise his office on May 12th.
On May 12th the Immig case Splst called back home and had left a voice mail.
Yesterday he again called me at work and spoke for over 15 minutes trying to understand my husband's background etc, and reassured me that there will be nothing to worry about and that he was going to fwd my e-mail to INS on May 14th.

Thats where we stand right now in the whole ordeal.
Thank you