Citation-Please respond


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I have just 4 citations for my work. One of which heavily use my data and quote my data as a guideline and referred in about 6 places.

My question to you friends is,

1. do i need to produce this citation as a exhibit in the application?
2. The guy who used my work as a guideline is from my lab and a senior. In this case how can i go about.
3. Has anyone shown low citation records as an exhibit.

Please advice me.

In my personal opinion, you should be able to cite this. No need to mention that the person is from your lab, just highlight the text in the document where they quote your reference. I only had 6 citations for my paper since most of them are fairly new and 4 out of these were from our group. Hope this helps.
Thank you for the reply.

Did you present all the 6 citations as full paper or just the front page.

If you present the first page then the professor name common in all the papers will show saying from the same group. That is why i am confused.

Meanwhile, did you talk about your citations as a separate exhibit.

Your help is appreciated.

My attorney submitted my case and I didnt see it how he made the case. So, I cant say if he made a separate exhibit or what. I attached the full papers and highlighted the place where my papers were cited. Spend time with your cover letter, I guess that is a very important part of the application.

Good Luck.
Can you please let me know

1. How many pages were your cover letter. Did attorney mention about the citation in the cover letter and put an exhibit for it?

2. What was the weight of the final package. Mine is very less something like 2-3 pounds. But he says it should be thick like 8 pounds.

3. If you have time can you please evaluate my case that i posted it in the same forum.

You are doing yourself a disservice if you measure your chances of success by "how many pages" or "how heavy" your submission is. It's not like the adjudicators are going to wade through hundreds of pages. Its quality not quantity.

As for your case, it's very difficult for any one person to judge, in the end it's all up to the adjudicator of your case. Looking over your qualifications, I would definitely not have done EB-1, and would have tried EB-2 NIW instead. The one main problem is that, as a PhD student, you cannot really argue that you are a scientist who has "risen to the top of your field" as you don't have your degree yet. Therefore, your lawyer would have had to hide the fact that you're still a student. In doing so, s/he would have had to bring out your other achievements and rely heavily on your letters of support. That is good, but might not convince USCIS of your "extraordinary ability". Your lawyer would also have had to prove that your work was critical to the development of that drug you're working on, and that it was your brains behind it. Do you have a copy of the cover letter?
Expect to get an RFE, and hopefully you will be able to provide a clearer picture based on that, and subsequently be approved. Good luck!
Is it required to submit the degree certificates or transcripts of PhD or the highest degree.

Did anyone submit to INS?

Is it required to submit the degree certificates or transcripts of PhD or the highest degree.

Did anyone submit to INS?


I don't know about "required". These EB1 and EB2-NIW are so case-specific and subjective. There hardly is anything set in stone. It is a good idea, however, to submit copies of all your academic diplomas, to support the education and training you are claiming on your CV. I did.