Ciba, please updata my status


Registered Users (C)
I got RFE for three years of W2 forms and last 4 paycheck stub.

I checked the AVM, it says on May 23 they sent me a RFE. And my atterney
got the letter on last tuesday. Yesterday I mailed the requested
materials out by myself.

My wife got a RFE for her TB test. As I stated in previous message. We did
our health exam in Moorpark, CA, and the doctor marked abnormal in her
X-ray result column and refused to state it is not a disease. Worse, he
said it was not his responsibilty to give me suggestion to seek further
diagnosis or treatment 6 months ago. When we asked for his help this time
he said it is not his specialty to do this. We thus lost 6 months of
time to handle this.

I hope my bad experience may help some new comers, when you finish the
test we have to ask him do we need any further treatment. Actually I asked
him right after the exam whether this "abnormal" will cause any problem
for the purpose of immigration, and he said it would be ok and never
gave us any suggestion to do any followup diagnosis.

Today we went to a general clinic and did one more X-ray and the result
will be available next Monday. Ciba, can you tell me if this result from
a specialist (radiologist) will be acceptable by INS? Do we need some guy
from the INS list to certify this?

Ciba, can you tell me what is appropriate for me to let people know about
this? Is it ok to release the identity of that doctor?
No Title

Wake up....

First of all... my sympathies are with you.

Second... If the doctor wrote that there is \'something abnormal\' with your wife, and he/she wrote it in the report... that should have rang some bell to you. Come on man... wake up. Why would someone write something that has no meaning?...

Third...INS does not accept you private x-rays/medical tests, even if they are done by the most qualified doctors. They have to be done by INS recognized doctors.

Finally...If you get a negative result this time, you can challenge the first doctor and ask him/her to pay back the money you paid for the first test.

Good luck