Ciba - Please reply ...... refer my post on "Plastic Card" query.....

Ciba, please do not reply...

Ciba, please do not reply to questions like this one. Abs_123 can find the answer himself. He just has to spend some time reading. Instead he prefers to waste your time- it is easier.
Abc-123 , what help you are talking about? Your passport is stamped. You are waiting only for the f… plastic card. And you do not need it. You can travel , you can do whatever you want to.If you are waiting for answer why don’t you answer to the debo nair’s questions? Or you like only to receive things and not to give. And the massage is already changed- soon you are going to receive something you do not deserve…
shut the f... up ..... and wait forever you assh....

this forum is not a place for clowns like you to dictate terms ....

this forum is for everyone to ask questions and not to answer
unneccassry questions like yours.........

everyone has regard for ciba\'s tips and you are nowhere near
ciba\'s knowledge level... first you have to turn yourself to
be a basic human being and also be tolerant when people like
you have to wait ( I wish you wait forever to get your greencard ) .....

go check with Dr if your stomach burns by now ......

and by the way you are not the freaking assho.. to decide
if anyone should get the card or wait..........

you - the most dirty creature on earth - deserve to wait
and never to talk rules....... wait wait wait ......
to get your papers rejected and be deported to your country of origin
and be taken by the authorities .....

once again - shut the f...up and never open ........
No Title

Hi abc_123 and scorpio,

I apologize for not answering abc_123\'s questions promply
which led you guys to exchange angry words. I have been
in and out of town taking care of a sick friend for the
past week, and could not spend time on the board.

abc_123, "processing complete" is the first step when CSC
received I-89 form forwarded from the local office where
you had your passport stamped. It will take a few more
month before you receive the final precious card.

The message will once again changes to something like "on
xx/xx/xx we ordered a card for you, it is taking xxx days..."
Once you hear this, your card is on the way to your home.
Good luck,

CIBA : Congratulations

It is really impressive how you handle all the queries with patience and class. Really appreciated!!!
Wow! Great speech about tolerance!

Sorry to disappoint you:
1. I do not dictate terms. I made a suggestion that we have to respect ciba’s time because ciba does more than enough voluntary work. I think that before asking questions we have to do our homework first.
2. I did not ask you anything, abc-123. Before writing to you I first checked your previous posts. I noticed that you did not bother to answer debo’s question. However, you are very pushy when it comes to your questions. And are they unnecessary!
3. I do not pretend to have ciba’s knowledge. I don’t know if ciba is he or she and I do not care about this. What I know is that ciba is one great person. And I noticed also that there are a lot of lazy people on this board who do not respect ciba’s time
4. I am happy not to be basic human being. Human is enough for me. And who is basic here is pretty obvious. Same goes for the tolerant.
5. I do not wait for anything. I am not deportable. That is why everything with my case went as smoothly as you can imagine. And probably because I like reading and doing my homework :) ...
One more thing, abc_123

Do you remember April 8,2001? Do you remember your own post?
" By: ciba 4/8/01 1:43 PM
(#2 of 2)
I don\'t know the exact wording for the tranferred cases,
but the message is something like "your case has been
tranferred to xxx local office on xx/xx/xx for an interview".

What were the two RFEs about?

ciba "

abc_123, did you answer ciba\'s question? No. Is ciba\'s question unnecessary? Why answer? ciba is such a nice person, why bother to help him, if you can just use him. Ciba tries to gather information from all of us in order to help those in real need, not for himself.
Ciba - thanks a lot for the information ....

Thank you very much for the information and I do appreciate your time . My prayers are with your friend for a speedy recovery.....

While I understand your crunch of time , some clowns like scorpio
poke their nose for no good reason .....

Please keep up the wonderful and good job.

Bets of luck and thanks a ton ,

Shut the f... up you d...head

scorpio sp - you do not get it in your head , u d...head

as i said , what is between me and ciba is none of your f......

Is it your dad\'s website you s.. of a gun ?

And by the way, if you have everything correct about your GC
you do not belong to this newsgroup ..... don\'t you get it still.....

what a dirty head ......

you started this mess , unless you stop I won\'t.......ok , got it ?

Hey guys, cool it

Learn from Ciba. What a perfect model of patience and decency. Foul language and dirty words directed against one another don\'t help anyone.
You are irresistible :)))))))

Hey abc, to bad that I am so busy today:-(
I really would like to stop waisting my time
with you, but you just made an irresistible
I will be back, buddy......

Have patience my friends I know frusturation some times creeps in.
More anger more violence. This world dont need more anger for a piece of plastic. We are not going to take this piece of plastic when we die.
So respect each other.

By the way my recording had changed, just checked it says processing for your G.C. completed,your INS document will be sent when its ready.
According to respected elders on this site this means I should get my plastic within two weeks. Anybody know why two weeks.

Hey krsna and Pump

Both of you are absolutely right-ciba is great! I wish to have ciba\'s patience, but it is hard for me, especially after Sept. 11.
Looks like both of you are still waiting...hope everything will go well. Best wishes, scorpio sp
Just a piece of plastic...

...still it is nice when you finally receive it.
I have no idea why two weeks( I am not respected elder:), but do you really care?
Keep in mind that the snail mail is kind of slow lately...
Have a friend with the following dates:
1. "Processing of your application has been completed...." Sept 10
2. "After approving your application we ordered your card..." Sept 14
3. Envelope with the card postmarked Sept 26, but card received October 6
Hi Scorpio!

You seem like a nice person. I too am very upset with the Sept 11 incident. But, life has to go on. I am not really obsessed with GC thoughts. I do visit this site because there are few very nice folks (like Ciba) who make great contribution to it. The info available on this site is sometimes far greater than what the lawyers can provide. Besides, it helps discern trends in INS processing on different types of cases.

Thank you for the kind words.
Right about everything...

...including that I am nice :)
Hi Pump,
Thanks a lot for noticing. I have been visiting this site since last year- I am somebody\'s spouse- but registered a few weeks back. My family experience is posted here. For us it is really over but I thought that I still could be helpful...Don\'t have time right now, but I will write to you again, Pump. Best wishes!
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I got my passport stamped on 08/20 and subsequently my AVM message got updated on 09/22 to card ordered....Still haven\'t received it (as of today 10/15/01)